\n \"DNA\n






\n \n \n \n
\n );\n}\n\nexport default Home;\n","import React, { useState } from \"react\";\nimport { Link, Redirect } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport arrow from \"../../assets/arrow_white.svg\";\nconst SubmitButton = (props) => {\n const p = props;\n const btnText = (\n

\n {p.copy.quiz.cta}{\" \"}\n \"next\n

\n );\n let classes = \"next red \";\n let [redirector, setRedirector] = useState(<>);\n let [quizEnded, setQuizEnded] = useState(false);\n\n let scrollTop = () => {\n const isIE11 = !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode;\n if (!isIE11)\n setTimeout(() => {\n document\n .getElementsByClassName(\"App\")[0]\n .scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: \"smooth\" });\n }, 1000);\n };\n\n let nextQuestion = () => {\n scrollTop();\n p.setTransitioning(true);\n setTimeout(() => {\n setRedirector();\n p.setTransitioning(false);\n }, 4000);\n };\n\n let endQuiz = () => {\n scrollTop();\n setQuizEnded(true);\n p.scoreCareers();\n setTimeout(() => {\n setRedirector();\n }, 1500);\n };\n if (p.questions.length - 1 === p.index) {\n if (typeof p.selections[p.index] === \"undefined\") classes += \"disabled\";\n return (\n endQuiz()}\n className={`results ${quizEnded ? \"quiz-ended\" : \"\"} ${classes}`}\n >\n

\n {p.copy.quiz.lastCta}{\" \"}\n \"next\n

\n {redirector}\n \n );\n }\n switch (p.question.type) {\n case \"multiChoice\":\n if (typeof p.selections[p.index] === \"undefined\") classes += \"disabled\";\n return (\n {\n nextQuestion();\n }}\n className={classes}\n >\n {btnText}\n\n {redirector}\n \n );\n case \"ranking\":\n if (\n typeof p.selections[p.index] !== \"object\" ||\n p.selections[p.index].length < 2\n )\n classes += \"disabled\";\n if (p.questions.length - 1 === p.index)\n return (\n endQuiz()}\n className={`results ${quizEnded ? \"quiz-ended\" : \"\"} ${classes}`}\n >\n

\n See Results\n \n

\n {redirector}\n \n );\n return (\n {\n nextQuestion();\n }}\n className={`second-step ${classes}`}\n >\n {btnText}\n {redirector}\n \n );\n default:\n break;\n }\n};\nexport default SubmitButton;\n","import React from \"react\";\nimport { Redirect } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport SubmitButton from \"../elements/SubmitButton.js\";\n\nfunction Question(p) {\n /* before anything else, check to ensure user has completed\n all previous questions, and redirect if they haven't */\n\n if (\n p.transition === \"current\" &&\n p.index > 0 &&\n p.selections &&\n typeof p.selections[p.index - 1] === \"undefined\"\n ) {\n return ;\n }\n\n const changeSelection = (i) => {\n const newArray = [...p.selections];\n let rankingArray =\n newArray[p.index] && typeof newArray[p.index] === \"object\"\n ? newArray[p.index]\n : [];\n switch (p.question.type) {\n case \"ranking\":\n if (i !== 0 && !i) {\n rankingArray = [];\n } else {\n if (rankingArray.length > 1) {\n rankingArray = [];\n }\n rankingArray.splice(rankingArray.length, 1, i);\n }\n newArray.splice(p.index, 1, rankingArray);\n // console.log(rankingArray);\n break;\n default:\n newArray.splice(p.index, 1, i);\n break;\n }\n\n p.setSelections(newArray);\n };\n\n const alreadySelected = (i) => {\n return (\n p.question.type === \"ranking\" &&\n typeof p.selections[p.index] === \"object\" &&\n p.selections[p.index].indexOf(i) !== -1\n );\n };\n\n const answers = p.question.options.map((option, i) => {\n return (\n 3 ? \"over-three-answers\" : \"\"\n } ${\n (typeof p.selections &&\n typeof p.selections[p.index] !== \"undefined\" &&\n p.selections[p.index] === i) ||\n (typeof p.selections[p.index] === \"object\" &&\n p.selections[p.index].indexOf(i) !== -1)\n ? \"selected\"\n : \"unselected\"\n } ${\n p.question.type === \"ranking\" &&\n typeof p.selections[p.index] !== \"undefined\" &&\n p.selections[p.index][0] === i\n ? \"first-rank\"\n : \"\"\n } ${\n p.question.type === \"ranking\" &&\n typeof p.selections[p.index] === \"object\" &&\n p.selections[p.index][1] === i\n ? \"second-rank\"\n : \"\"\n }`}\n onClick={() => {\n if (p.question.type === \"ranking\" && alreadySelected(i)) {\n changeSelection(null);\n } else {\n changeSelection(i);\n }\n }}\n key={`question-${p.index}-option-${i}`}\n >\n


\n \n );\n });\n\n let instructions =\n p.question.type === \"ranking\"\n ? p.copy.quiz.rankingPrompt\n : p.copy.quiz.multiPrompt;\n\n const classes = `quiz ${p.index === 0 ? \"first-page\" : \"\"} ${\n p.transitioning ? \"transitioning\" : \"transitioned\"\n } ${p.transition} ${p.question.visual.color}`;\n\n return (\n
\n {p.question.visual.image && (\n \n \n \n )}\n

\n {p.question.type === \"ranking\" ? (\n <>\n {p.question.prompt}\n
\n {instructions}\n \n ) : (\n p.question.prompt\n )}\n


{`${p.copy.quiz.counter1} ${p.index + 1} ${p.copy.quiz.counter2} ${\n p.questions.length\n }`}



\n {answers}\n \n
\n );\n}\n\nexport default Question;\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport { Switch, Route, useRouteMatch } from \"react-router-dom\";\n\nimport Question from \"./Question.js\";\n\nfunction Quiz(p) {\n useEffect(() => {\n if (p.path !== \"quiz\") p.setPath(\"quiz\");\n });\n let match = useRouteMatch();\n\n const questions = p.questions;\n\n const questionRoutes = questions.map((question, i) => {\n return (\n \n \n {i + 1 < questions.length && (\n \n )}\n \n );\n });\n return {questionRoutes};\n}\n\nexport default Quiz;\n","import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport CountUp from \"react-countup\";\nimport { Redirect } from \"react-router-dom\";\n\nfunction LoadingResults(p) {\n useEffect(() => {\n if (p.path !== \"loading-results\") p.setPath(\"loading-results\");\n });\n\n const [els, setEls] = useState(
);\n const [percent, setPercent] = useState(0);\n const [rerender, setRerender] = useState(false);\n\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (!rerender) {\n setEls();\n }\n }, 5500);\n\n return (\n


\n\n \n {({ countUpRef }) => (\n

\n %\n

\n )}\n
\n {els}\n
\n );\n}\n\nexport default LoadingResults;\n","import React, { useEffect, useState } from \"react\";\nimport Modal from \"react-modal\";\n\nconst customStyles = {\n overlay: {\n backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'\n },\n content: {\n top: '50%',\n left: '50%',\n right: 'auto',\n bottom: 'auto',\n marginRight: '-50%',\n transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',\n border: '0',\n padding: '0',\n maxWidth: '700px',\n borderRadius: '30px',\n overflow: 'hidden',\n backgroundColor: 'transparent'\n },\n};\nModal.setAppElement('#root');\n\nfunction Result(p) {\n \n const [modalIsOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);\n \n const url = \"https%3A%2F%2Fexplorestem2d.fhi360.org%2Findex.html\";\n const appId = \"578673766177932\";\n const quote = `${p.copy.results.shareText} ${p.career.displayName}! ${p.career.description}`\n .split(\" \")\n .join(\"%20\");\n const tweet = `${p.copy.results.shareText} ${p.career.displayName}!`\n .split(\" \")\n .join(\"%20\");\n\n const getFacebookLink = () => {\n return `https://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?href=${url}%3Fsource%3Dfacebook%26lang%3D${\n p.language === \"spanish\" ? \"esp\" : \"en\"\n }&app_id=${appId}"e=${quote}`;\n };\n const getTwitterLink = () => {\n return `https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=${tweet}&url=${url}%3Fsource%3Dtwitter%26lang%3D${\n p.language === \"spanish\" ? \"esp\" : \"en\"\n }&hashtags=WISTEM,WISTEM2D`;\n };\n \n function openModal() {\n setIsOpen(true);\n }\n function afterOpenModal() {\n }\n function closeModal() {\n setIsOpen(false);\n }\n \n useEffect(() => {\n window.ga(\"send\", \"event\", \"QuizComplete\");\n }, []);\n return p.showAllResults || p.index <= 9 ? (\n

{`${p.index + 1}`}



\n {typeof p.career.score !== \"undefined\" && (\n

{`score: ${p.career.score}/${\n p.career.maxScore\n } (${parseInt((p.career.score / p.career.maxScore) * 100)}%)`}

\n )}\n {/*\n
\n {\n window.ga(function () {\n console.log(\"shared Facebook link\");\n window.ga(\n \"send\",\n \"event\",\n \"Link\",\n \"facebookShare\",\n p.career.displayName\n );\n });\n }}\n >\n \n \n {\n window.ga(function () {\n console.log(\"shared Twitter link\");\n window.ga(\n \"send\",\n \"event\",\n \"Link\",\n \"twitterShare\",\n p.career.displayName\n );\n });\n }}\n >\n \n \n
*/}\n \n
\n {p.career.expertName ? : ''}\n \n


\n {p.career.expertTitle ?


: ''}\n


\n {p.career.expertCredit ?
PHOTO CREDIT: {p.career.expertCredit}
: ''}\n
\n \n
\n \n \"\"/\n


\n {p.career.expertTitle ?


: ''}\n
\n \n
\n\n \n


\n \n {\n const newArray = [...p.careersExpanded];\n newArray[p.index] = !newArray[p.index];\n p.setCareersExpanded(newArray);\n }}\n >\n {!p.careersExpanded[p.index]\n ? `${p.copy.results.readMore} +`\n : `${p.copy.results.hide} -`}\n \n
\n ) : (\n <>\n );\n}\nexport default Result;\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport Result from \"../elements/Result\";\nimport { Link, Redirect } from \"react-router-dom\";\nimport headerImg from \"../../assets/bubbles.png\";\nimport arrowWhite from \"../../assets/arrow_white.svg\";\nimport arrowBlack from \"../../assets/arrow_black.svg\";\n\nfunction Results(p) {\n \n useEffect(() => {\n if (p.path !== \"results\") p.setPath(\"results\");\n });\n if (!p.careerResults || p.careerResults.length === 0)\n return ;\n\n const resultsList = p.careerResults.map((career, i) => {\n return (\n \n );\n }); \n \n const toggleAllText = p.showAllResults\n ? p.copy.results.exploreMoreCta\n : p.copy.results.exploreMoreCta2;\n \n return (\n <>\n
\n \n





\n {p.copy.results.nextStepsBody}\n \n \n \n


\n {\n p.setSelections([]);\n }}\n >\n \n \n


\n {\n const isIE11 =\n !!window.MSInputMethodContext && !!document.documentMode;\n if (!isIE11) {\n document\n .getElementsByClassName(\"App\")[0]\n .scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: \"smooth\" });\n document\n .getElementsByClassName(\"results\")[0]\n .scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: \"smooth\" });\n document\n .getElementsByClassName(\"results\")[1]\n .scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: \"smooth\" });\n }\n p.toggleAllResults(!p.showAllResults);\n }}\n >\n
\n \n \n
\n \n );\n}\n\nexport default Results;\n","const careers = [\n {\n id: \"actuary\",\n displayName: \"Actuary\",\n description:\n \"An actuary helps make sure people are protected from different risks, such as natural disaster, illness, or accident. Actuaries use math to help insurance companies give people peace of mind knowing they will be taken care of if they need help. For instance, if they get sick and have high hospital bills or if their house is damaged in a flood or fire, they’ll receive financial help to cover the costs. An actuary might also travel to different places to work with governments and help them understand and prepare for big society-level risks such as climate change, epidemics, and economic crises.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"oncologist\",\n displayName: \"Mathematical Oncologist\",\n description:\n \"Mathematicians can help researchers, doctors, and medical staff outsmart cancer by using math to understand the growth rate of tumors. Mathematical oncologists are an important part of the team in the field of oncology, which is the area of medicine that handles treating cancer. They play a big role in cancer research by measuring and predicting how cancerous cells will grow and travel to other parts of the body (metastasize) through modeling and simulation. Mathematical oncologists can use the data they collect to understand how cancerous cells will respond to different treatments, which can save lives.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"dataPro\",\n displayName: \"Data Professional\",\n description:\n \"A data professional can include a lot of different careers, like data analyst, data architect, data engineer, or data scientist. What do they all have in common? These professionals use statistics (a kind of math), to understand and solve the world’s complex problems. Organize, manage, and interpret huge amounts of data to get to the BIG picture. How can we stop a pandemic? What can we do to protect endangered species? How can farmers grow more food more efficiently to help fight hunger? You can use numbers to answer these questions and make a meaningful difference in any cause you care about.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"architect\",\n displayName: \"Architect or Civil Drafter\",\n description:\n \"Architects and civil drafters draw the buildings and spaces that make up our world. They design everything from houses and huge skyscrapers to parks and whole cities. You can bring beautiful spaces to life from your imagination for people to live in and enjoy. You might specialize in extreme weather conditions and design buildings that will stay standing in an earthquake or focus on sustainable architecture to make buildings energy efficient—or green—to help the planet. You could even focus on designing amazing animal habitats, a special kind of landscape architecture where you work with zoologists.\",\n expertName: \"Zaha Hadid\",\n expertTitle: \"Architect\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Zaha Hadid, sometimes called the 'Queen of the Curve' for her innovative use of curves in her buildings, was a pioneer in the field of architecture. Iraqi-born Hadid first attended the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, to study mathematics before relocating to London in 1972 to enroll in the Architectural Association School of Architecture. In 1983, Hadid won a design competition for The Peak, a recreational center in Hong Kong, and became a well-known name in the architecture industry. She received the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004 and the Royal Institute of British Architects Gold Medal in 2016. She was the first woman to win that prestigious award in the field of architecture. Her most well-known works include the Guangzhou Opera House, the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center, the London Aquatics Center, and the Al Janoub soccer stadium used in the Qatar World Cup in 2022.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/architect.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Ternovoy, D. (2015). Zaha Hadid in Heydar Aliyev Cultural center in Baku nov 2013 [Photograph]. WikiCommons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zaha_Hadid\"\n },\n {\n id: \"carDesigner\",\n displayName: \"Car designer, engineer or manufacturer\",\n description:\n \"With a career in the auto industry, you can bring the most exciting car innovations to life. Whether they work in the design, engineering, or manufacturing part of the process, the people who create the cars we drive don’t just make them beautiful and fun. They work hard to create smart safety features that prevent car accidents and save lives. They also build eco-friendly cars that run on electricity or clean fuels, creating cleaner air and protecting the environment from harmful greenhouse gases that cause global warming.\",\n expertName: \"Michelle Christensen\",\n expertTitle: \"Race Car Designer\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Michelle Christensen is the first female exterior designer for Acura. An exterior designer defines the proportions, forms, and surfaces of a car's exterior shape. When Michelle was a child, she would spend time helping her father who had a passion for working on hot rods and muscle cars. She had an interest in drawing and fine arts while in school but didn't learn about automobile design or that it was even a career choice until she was in her second year of community college. Once joining the industry after graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design from the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Christensen quickly rose to the top. In 2010 Christensen received Marie Claire Magazine’s Women on Top award as an up-and-coming female professional. Christensen was named the 2016 Honda NSX's lead designer where she focused on creating a high performing, exotic-looking car. One year later, she made it onto the 'Power List' of industry leaders in MotorTrend magazine. Christensen chose to pursue a career in car design because she felt car design is the ideal blend of her interests in art, automobiles, and making things for people.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/race-car-designer.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Warren, T. (2015). Acura NSX Designer Michelle Christensen [Photograph]. Car and Driver. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a15356691/acura-nsx-designer-michelle-christensen-on-the-influence-of-nature-and-the-67-chevelle/\"\n },\n {\n id: \"biostatistician\",\n displayName: \"Biostatistician\",\n description:\n \"Combining the fields of biology and statistics (a kind of math), biostatisticians look at data from medical research and analyze it to better understand how to keep people well and healthy. They often work with other researchers and scientists. For example, NASA scientists work with biostatisticians to study how outer space and low gravity affect the human body so they can protect astronauts from harm during long space trips. Biostatisticians might also help with clinical trials to see how effective a new medicine is at treating an illness, or to test how well a vaccine protects against a dangerous virus.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"recycleManufacture\",\n displayName: \"Sustainable or Recycled Materials Manufacturer\",\n description:\n \"Use your hands to create everyday products out of materials that are good for the planet. When we recycle, a whole team of people are behind the scenes turning those recycled materials into new things. Sorters separate materials like plastic and glass; assemblers and fabricators turn recycled materials into new products; and facility managers make sure everything runs smoothly and safely. This team turns yesterday’s trash into tomorrow’s treasure. Other sustainable materials are also critical to manufacturing. In clothing manufacturing, materials like canvas and faux leather create beautiful fashion statements that are animal friendly. For furniture builders, reclaimed wood can be used to create gorgeous tables and dressers that are durable and environmentally friendly.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"printTech\",\n displayName: \"3D Printing Technician\",\n description:\n \"The exciting world of 3D printing can make a big difference. Sometimes called additive manufacturing, it uses technology to “print” 3D objects from a computer design. It’s precise, so a 3D printing technician can replicate real-world objects that look and feel like the real thing. So, what if you could print coral reef substrates to regrow underwater coral ecosystems and save endangered species? Or print low-cost building materials to rebuild a city after a natural disaster? What if you could print prosthetics, or artificial limbs, to help someone who has lost a leg walk again? 3D Printing Technicians make this happen.\",\n expertName: \"Alison Mendoza\",\n expertTitle: \"3D Printing\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Mendoza is the Senior Product Manager at GE Additive whose team is responsible for creating products that solve manufacturing challenges, improving business outcomes, and helping change the world for the better. Mendoza is a Business Development professional with extensive experience in Aviation, Aerospace MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), and Additive Manufacturing (AM), and she is regarded as one of the most significant persons in 3D printing. She graduated from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University with a Bachelor of Arts in Applied Linguistics and a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Aviation. Mendoza spent her first few years in aviation, living in Dubai and working for Emirates Airline. When she returned to the United States, she worked with AeroTurbine for several years before leaving to join Honeywell Aerospace, where she was first officially introduced to 3D printing. In addition to using her 3D printing abilities to design and manufacture specialized parts for airplanes, she enjoys sharing stories that may go unnoticed by the public regarding the various uses for 3D printing. For example, 3D printing in assistive technology can be used to customize mobility aids such as wheelchairs. This is just one example that demonstrates the benefits of using AM for quick and effective customization to improve one's quality of life.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/3d-printing.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Toure, N. (2019). Alison Mendoza [Photograph]. Women in 3D Printing. https://womenin3dprinting.com/alison-mendoza-for-years-weve-been-seeking-the-obvious-wins-as-i-like-to-say-its-time-to-uncover-the-overlooked/\"\n },\n {\n id: \"hacker\",\n displayName: \"Ethical Hacker\",\n description:\n \"Ethical hackers are computer scientists and programmers who can help a company or organization tell if they are vulnerable to hacking—when criminals gain access to computer networks and systems to steal digital information, money, or their employees’ identities. Ethical hackers might have the same skills as the bad guys, but they choose to use them for good. They work with the company to find weak spots where hacking criminals can get in, and they help increase security to protect them from that threat. Ethical hackers might even travel around to different companies to provide their services.\",\n expertName: \"Farah Hawa\",\n expertTitle: \"Ethical Hacker\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Farah Hawa has several titles, including application security engineer, bug bounty hunter, and content creator. For several years she’s been spreading awareness in the world of information security, or infosec, all over social media platforms. Farah went to college to learn how to be a writer. She soon realized, however, that journalism was not her passion, so she set out to discover what was. That's when she came across info security. Farah discovered her first software defect or “bug” and received a $100 reward. She decided to share her experience by posting about it on one of her social platforms. Her post generated a lot of interest from other beginners, who had numerous questions for her. Farah identified a market opportunity for content targeting novice hackers, recognizing the need for guidance from someone who is also a beginner in the field. Farah used her expertise in information security and media to establish her own YouTube channel. She boasts a substantial following of over 35,000 subscribers on YouTube and over 40,000 followers on Instagram.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/ethical-hacker.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"[YouTube @FarahHawa]. (2020, May 23). Farah Hawa [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@FarahHawa/about\"\n },\n {\n id: \"mechDrafter\",\n displayName: \"Mechanical Drafter\",\n description:\n \"Mechanical drafters draw detailed diagrams of machines and mechanical devices and help engineers, architects, and builders bring them to life. Based on your interest, there are many ways to support the work in this field. You could be part of the team creating new medical technology that saves lives in hospitals, designing new and efficient transit systems to provide clean public transportation that helps the environment, or drawing complex robots that can be sent into dangerous environments instead of people risking their lives.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"biomed\",\n displayName: \"Biomedical Nanotechnology Engineer\",\n description:\n \"Nanotechnology is a revolutionary engineering field that is changing the face of science, technology, the environment, and health. Nanotechnology engineers develop and work with materials on a very tiny scale – think molecular level – to solve problems and make life easier. A biomedical specialist in this field might use tiny particles to find and kill cancer cells, or use biomaterials in tissues engineering to replace tissues and organs that are damaged by disease or injury. Often, this career includes research in a lab, conducting experiments and using advanced technology. These amazing research discoveries are changing the field of medicine to help people all over the world.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"elecEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Electrical Engineer\",\n description:\n \"Electrical engineers are creative problem solvers, using math in unusual ways to create efficient energy systems. Energy is everywhere, so electrical engineers can have a career anywhere in the world. With many sub-fields, your specific interests can shine in this field. Electrical Engineers help [DP1] design electric cars to decrease gas and poisonous air pollution. Optical engineers work with fiber optics to provide internet access for across the world. Computer engineers build faster computers that use less energy. Newcomers to the field are constantly helping to transform the industry. Diverse viewpoints bring creativity, so expect to work with teams of other engineers trying to make the world a better place.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"sportsHealth\",\n displayName: \"Sports Medicine Healthcare Provider\",\n description:\n \"From athletic trainers to sports medicine physicians, healthcare providers in sports medicine have special training to treat injuries related to athletics. They might help professional athletes, people with physically demanding jobs, kids and teens who play recreational sports, and other adults who get hurt while exercising. These healthcare professionals could specialize in muscle injuries, orthopedic surgery, concussions (brain injuries), and athletic training. Whatever the focus, they all work to help people heal after high-impact injuries or reach the peak of their fitness abilities.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"conservationSci\",\n displayName: \"Conservation Scientist\",\n description:\n \"Conservation scientists care about safeguarding the world’s natural resources. They often work outdoors—sometimes traveling to forests, public parks, and remote areas—to help protect water, land, wildlife habitats, or plants. A conservationist may work with ranchers to keep animals from over-grazing and threatening grasslands; advise farmers on the best ways to preserve the water they use for their crops; or study how to protect coral reefs and all the marine animals that live in them. Their passion for nature benefits everyone—including the animals and people who live in and enjoy it!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"wildBio\",\n displayName: \"Wildlife Biologist\",\n description:\n \"As a wildlife biologist, you can study the biology, behavior, and habitats of your favorite wild animals. Explore the jungles of Sri Lanka to study how to protect native leopards from extinction, or travel to the plains of the Serengeti to help tag and relocate wild rhinos, giraffes, and elephants and save vulnerable ecosystems. Investigate the impact of commercial projects on the local wildlife populations and provide local governments with recommendations to protect land and water habitats. Wildlife biologists work on teams of scientists both in nature and in a lab, and the work can include scientific experiments and traveling to remote locations around the world.\",\n expertName: \"Dame Jane Goodall\",\n expertTitle: \"Wildlife Biologist\",\n expertDesc: \n \"After 60 years of researching the social and family dynamics of wild chimps, Dr. Goodall is widely regarded as the world's top expert on chimps. Goodall, who had a lifelong interest in animal behavior, dropped out of school at the age of 18. She began her career in wildlife biology as an assistant to the renowned anthropologist Louis Leakey. He introduced her to chimp research at Gombe Stream National Park in eastern Africa. Although Goodall dropped out of school, her passion for life-long learning and practical experiences ultimately led to a PhD later in life. In 1965, the University of Cambridge awarded Goodall a Ph.D. in ethology; she was one of just a few candidates to acquire a Ph.D. without previously earning a bachelor degree. She was crucial in understanding the cognition and thinking processes of wild chimps. She cofounded the Jane Goodall Institute for Wildlife Research, Education, and Conservation in California in 1977; the institution eventually relocated to the Washington, D.C., region. She has founded several other organizations including the Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots (1991) program, which is a youth service program where participants identify and address problems in their communities, while becoming the compassionate citizens that our planet needs. In 2002, Goodall was named a 'Messenger of Peace' by the United Nations. In 2004, she became a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, an honor bestowed upon her by Prince Charles. Additionally, Dr. Goodall was honored for her global and visionary leadership at Montana State University in April of 2008.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/wildlife-biologist.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"US Department of State (2015). Jane Goodall [Photograph]. Deputy Secretary Higginbottom Poses for a Photo With Dr. Jane Goodall and the State Department's Global Health Diplomacy Director Jordan in Washington. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jane_Goodall_2015.jpg\"\n },\n {\n id: \"lifeScience\",\n displayName: \"Life Sciences Manufacturing Specialist\",\n description:\n \"Imagine researchers have just come up with a brand-new vaccine for a virus that is infecting people around the world. Next, this vaccine must be mass-produced—and quickly—so that people can receive it as soon as possible. Manufacturing specialists are some of the people responsible for getting vaccines, as well as other medications for people and animals, from a researcher’s lab to your local pharmacy or vet. These specialists can support the production of the vaccine in batches by making sure the manufacturing equipment is working properly, products are moving efficiently through the production line, and safety guidelines are followed.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"envScience\",\n displayName: \"Environmental Scientist\",\n description:\n \"Apply your love of science to solve environmental problems like pollution, helping the planet as well as the people and animals who live on it. Environmental scientists often focus on ways to lower pollution in air, water, and soil. They can include specialists who collect samples of water and soil to test for toxic chemicals or radiation; researchers in the lab who perform the tests; and inquisitive go-getters who travel to investigate the sources of pollution. Environmental scientists often work with a team of people who are all dedicated to achieving the same goal, like making the air that we breathe cleaner or preventing climate change.\",\n expertName: \"Isabel Escobar\",\n expertTitle: \"Environmental Engineer\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Escobar has spent over 20 years researching and developing chemical membrane materials for water purification and reuse, and assessing the biological stability of distribution networks. Escobar studied at Instituto Pio XI in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and attended the University of Central Florida where she earned all three of her degrees in environmental engineering (Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Science, and Bachelor of Science). Escobar's work centers on enhancing polymeric membrane materials to use in water treatment and reuse processes. Membrane technology is used in water treatment to separate contaminants from water based on properties such as size or electrical charge. Common membrane processes include microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and electrodialysis. These processes are used to clean surface water, groundwater, and wastewater to produce water for industry and for drinking. In 2009, Isabel Escobar was awarded the Northwest Ohio YWCA Milestone Award for Education, and the Toledo 20 Under 40 Leadership award. In 2010, Escobar was named Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Toledo and interim assistant dean for Research Development and Outreach for the College of Engineering. Since 2015, she has held the position of professor in the University of Kentucky Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering in addition to serving as a Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers' advisor at the university.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/environmental-engineer.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Corwin, B. (2022). Isabel Escobar, a professor of Chemical and Materials Engineering, conducts water and air filtration research. [Photograph]. UKNOW University of Kentucky News. https://uknow.uky.edu/research/women-making-history-series-kicks-isabel-escobar-behind-blue\"\n },\n {\n id: \"webDesign\",\n displayName: \"Creative Designer or Web Developer\",\n description:\n \"Commercial companies and non-profit organizations doing meaningful work need talented artists to tell their stories. Use your creative skills and imagination to make beautiful visuals and amazing websites for the cause you care about. Design imaginative ads that encourage people to recycle and conserve water. Edit stunning photos of adoptable dogs and cats to help your local pet rescue find their forever homes. Build websites for human rights organizations that make it easy for people to support their causes. You could work on a team or be your own boss as a freelance designer helping your clients make a difference in the world.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"robotEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Robotics Engineer or Technician\",\n description:\n \"Robotics engineers design and program robots, while robotics technicians focus on testing, operating, maintaining, and repairing them. Both use innovative technology and engineering to create robots with artificial intelligence that can protect the planet and save people’s lives. Today, fire-fighting robots that can withstand high heat and smoke are helping first responders put out flames; drones with high-resolution cameras are helping search and rescue teams quickly find people who need saving; and tons of advanced bots are helping the planet by cleaning trash and pollutants from the ocean, planting trees, harvesting solar energy, and making clean transportation possible. What will you help them do tomorrow?\",\n expertName: \"Melonee Wise\",\n expertTitle: \"Robotics Engineer\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Wise's passion for robots can be traced back to her early years. At a very young age, Wise developed a plotter from Legos, which uses automated pens to make line drawings in the form of continuous lines. Wise's decision to major in mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois is not surprising given her childhood interests. Wise spent her summers interning at many companies including Alcoa, DaimlerChrysler, and Honeywell Aerospace, which provided her with extensive experience in a variety of fields. In time, Wise became the manager of robot development at Willow Garage. There, Wise oversaw a team of engineers responsible for creating cutting-edge hardware and software for robots including ROS, the PR2, and the TurtleBot. From there she became one of the co-founders of Unbounded Robotics and eventually Fetch Robotics. In 2021, Zebra Technologies acquired Fetch Robotics and Wise currently serves as the Vice President of Robotics Automation at Zebra Technologies. Wise is active in the robotics community as a member of the A3 Robotics Board and the MHI Roundtable Advisory Committee. Wise is one of eight CEOs revolutionizing the way we work, according to Business Insider, and she has been honored with the MIT Technology Review's TR35 award (for innovators under 35), as well as inclusion on the Silicon Valley Business Journal's Women of Influence and 40 Under 40 lists. In 2022, she also won the Engelberger Award, sometimes called the 'Nobel Prize of Robotics.'\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/robotics-engineeer.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Hof, R. (2015). Fetch Robotics CEO Melonee Wise with namesake robot [Photograph]. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthof/2015/08/21/in-conversation-with-fetch-robotics-ceo-melonee-wise-here-comes-wall-e-for-the-warehouse/?sh=488b006a1436\"\n },\n {\n id: \"healthSpecialist\",\n displayName: \"Healthcare Specialist\",\n description:\n \"Healthcare is all about providing care to patients to improve their health and well-being. It includes preventing, diagnosing, and treating all kinds of diseases and injuries. Not surprisingly, there are a variety of different career options in this field. Nurses, doctors, physicians’ assistants, phlebotomists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and dieticians all work together to improve people’s health. Many charitable aid and relief organizations also offer the opportunity to provide healthcare around the globe. Healthcare jobs are tremendously rewarding. No matter what role you play on the team, you could contribute to saving lives!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"scienceTech\",\n displayName: \"Science Technician\",\n description:\n \"Science technicians work in fields ranging from animal science to forensic science to food science. They use the scientific method to conduct experiments and research in their field of choice. For example, chemical technicians might experiment and test different products to ensure they do not harm people or the environment. Nuclear technicians monitor radiation levels to make sure there are no radiation leaks, testing air and water for contamination and enacting safety procedures if radiation is found. Remote sensing technicians use advanced optical tools like satellite and infrared imaging to examine environmental impacts and recommend changes to government officials.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"vet\",\n displayName: \"Veterinarian or Wildlife Rehabilitator\",\n description:\n \"Use veterinary medicine to heal our furry, scaled, or feathered friends—from beloved pets to wild animals living in exotic ecosystems around the world. Use your passion for helping animals to care for people’s dogs, cats, and birds at a local vet hospital; help deliver foals (baby horses) at nearby farms; or even treat rescued elephants at a wildlife refuge in Thailand.\",\n expertName: \"Cindy Otto\",\n expertTitle: \"Veterinarian\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Dr. Cindy Otto serves as the founding director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, which is located at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. The Penn Vet Working Dog Center focuses on education, research, and data collection to enhance the well-being of search and rescue dogs. These canines are taught to detect bombs and narcotics, to rescue victims of disasters or accidents, and to identify medical illnesses such as cancer and diabetes. Otto quickly realized there was an absence of a veterinary support system specifically designed for search and rescue dogs, which prompted her to open the center in 2012. Otto was a member of the FEMA Task Force that responded to 9/11, providing veterinary care for the search and rescue canines who served at Ground Zero. Additionally, Otto and her colleagues at the center also worked on a COVID-19 detection investigation using dogs to sniff out the virus.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/veterinarian.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"(2016). Dr. Cindy Otto Honored with Dogs’ Best Friend Award [Photograph]. The Canine Chronicle. https://caninechronicle.com/breaking-news/dr-cindy-otto-honored-with-dogs-best-friend-award/\"\n },\n {\n id: \"softwareDev\",\n displayName: \"Applications Engineer or Software Developer\",\n description:\n \"Use human-centered design to create smartphone apps or computer programs that help people. These tech leaders create innovative programs that can change people’s lives. Some examples include collision avoidance technology that gives a warning to drivers if they are at risk for a car accident; accessible technology that assists people with disabilities; or apps that promote mental health in teens. With a career in this field, there are many ways you can use ground-breaking technology to make a difference in the world.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"envEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Environmental, Energy, or Water Engineer\",\n description:\n \"There are many different careers in the field of engineering that are focused on providing people with clean air, energy, and water to improve their lives. Environmental engineers work on preventing and controlling dangers such as pollution, unsafe drinking water, climate change, or hazardous waste. They might perform tests and make equipment to measure and reduce air pollution; design powerful wind turbines to generate sustainable energy; or build structures that provide clean drinking water to remote communities around the world. All these careers use civil and mechanical engineering concepts and technologies to solve global problems, making people and the planet healthier.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"urbGrower\",\n displayName: \"Urban Grower\",\n description:\n \"Urban growers work in agriculture in a way you might not expect. Rather than growing fruits and vegetables on rural farms, they focus on growing them on rooftop gardens in big cities. Urban growers not only reduce carbon dioxide emissions because food doesn’t need to be delivered from far away, they also improve air quality in cities by growing plants that produce oxygen. All this while providing healthy, nutritious food to people in their community. You might have a love for science and a green thumb, too!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"foodChemist\",\n displayName: \"Food or Medicine Chemist\",\n description:\n \"Maybe you have conducted chemistry experiments at school or at home with acids, fizzy liquids, crystals, or slime. Did you know that chemistry is also the science behind the food we eat every day and the medicine we take when we’re sick? Flavor technologists conduct experiments to create new flavors for food and drinks, often working to make nutritious meals delicious to encourage people to eat healthy food. Food chemists might also work to increase the shelf life of food, protect against food-borne diseases, or create new foods like plant-based alternatives to meat, which may be better for the environment. Medicinal chemists develop the chemical compounds that are in the pain reliever you take when you have a headache, as well as life-saving medicines that help people all over the world.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"productSafety\",\n displayName: \"Product Safety Engineer\",\n description:\n \"Product safety engineers know the best way to get things done efficiently and safely. They use these skills to test new and inventive commercial products to ensure their safety, from a child’s crib to a nuclear reactor at an energy power plant. Take on a leadership role as you test products to identify dangerous problems with the design or the materials and make recommendations for how to improve safety. In this career, you might even travel from factory to factory to check safety standards. Whether you’re testing the choking hazard of a new toy or ensuring a new cleaning solution doesn’t mix with household chemicals to create dangerous reactions, you can help keep millions of people safe from harm!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"laserTech\",\n displayName: \"Laser Technician or Engineer\",\n description:\n \"Lasers are more than just science fiction. Today, they’re responsible for everything from corrective eye surgery to laser imaging. As a laser engineer, you can develop advanced systems that can cut through diamond and other rough material, or you might assist in the design of fiber optics that provide high-speed Internet. Lasers are very precise, so an attention to detail comes in handy for the technicians operating them. This technology has led to massive jumps in surgical fields, where you can help correct someone’s eyesight so they can see clearly for the first time or assist in reconstructive surgery to grow skin or bones for people who have gone through tragic accidents.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"commercialDesign\",\n displayName: \"Commercial and Industrial Designer\",\n description:\n \"Do you have a flair for design? Do you sketch beautiful fashion projects or redecorate your bedroom in your spare time? Commercial and industrial designers combine beauty and functionality by creating products that make life easier and more enjoyable. Fashion designers work on colorful clothes, jewelry, and accessories; interior designers create beautiful spaces; and commercial designers make stylish everyday items like wireless headphones or trendy reusable water bottles. You can bring your imagination to life in important, real-world applications.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"scanner\",\n displayName: \"3D Scanner\",\n description: `3D scanners use technology to scan real-world objects and recreate them digitally. You could use drones to capture detailed scans of natural environments to build video game worlds, or scan actors, props, and sets for spectacular special effects in movies. You could even travel to amazing historic sites to create digital backups of ancient landmarks. Incredible 3D scans of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris will make it possible to rebuild the nearly 1,000-year-old structure to all its former glory after it was almost destroyed by a terrible fire in 2019.`,\n },\n {\n id: \"sportStat\",\n displayName: \"Sports Statistician\",\n description:\n \"Sports statisticians use math to predict how well players and teams will perform in their sport. They’re great with numbers, collecting and organizing large sets of data, and understanding what it says about real-world athletes and their performances. This work takes abstract thinking and being able to look at the big picture. They build computer programs and use mathematical models to show how individual moments, like one player scoring, will affect the outcome of the game. It’s a great career if you’re good at math and love sports.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"patientSafety\",\n displayName: \"Patient Safety Officer\",\n description:\n \"If you’ve ever been in a healthcare facility like a hospital or doctor’s office, you know they can be very busy. Lots of moving parts are necessary to keep these places functioning smoothly, and collaboration between doctors, nurses, and other staff is key. Patient safety officers work with healthcare providers and other building staff to make their facilities as safe as possible for patients. They may create a training program to teach doctors and nurses how to prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria between patients, or analyze accidents to find out if staff made an error and prevent it from happening again. Patient safety officers read the latest research to ensure patient safety and welfare.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"opticalPhys\",\n displayName: \"Optical Physicist\",\n description:\n \"Optical physicists work in real-world and abstract spaces. They may ask theoretical questions like, “How do the properties of light interact with matter?” and use these questions to advance the field of optics research. Or they may work closely with engineers and ask more practical questions like, “How can lasers be used to improve people’s eyesight?” As high-level, mathematically minded professionals, optical physicists provide expertise in a variety of industries, ranging from the development of medical technologies to strengthening missile detection systems. \",\n },\n {\n id: \"industrialEco\",\n displayName: \"Industrial Ecologist\",\n description:\n \"Ecology is a branch of biology that deals with how organisms interact with each other and with their environment. In other words, it studies how different species live together and how they affect the world around them—from tiny bacteria to the African bush elephant. Industrial ecologists take concepts from ecology and use them to solve complex human problems, like pollution. For example, in the same way a suckerfish attaches to a shark and lives off its waste, a biofuel company can work with a restaurant chain to convert old kitchen grease into cleaner fuel for cars, so it doesn’t end up down the drain. This career takes abstract thinking skills and creative problem-solving, and the results can make a big impact on the planet.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"microbio\",\n displayName: \"Microbiologist\",\n description:\n \"Microbiologists may study tiny organisms, but the opportunities in this field are anything but small! Equipped with savvy teammates and plenty of laboratory equipment, when you enter the field of microbiology you will be diving deep into the world of bacteria, algae, fungi, parasites, and even viruses. There are many focus areas within microbiology ranging from understanding bacterial growth in pipes to developing vaccines for disease outbreaks. You may want to specialize in a field like bacteriology or parasitology, work in a public health laboratory to deal with a range of different organisms that cause disease, or research how components of plant cell walls could be used to create more environmentally friendly biofuels.\",\n expertName: \"Ruth Ella Moore\",\n expertTitle: \"Microbiologist\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Blood analysis, tuberculosis, tooth decay, and gut micro-organisms were all areas of study for bacteriologist Ruth Ella Moore, Ph.D. In 1933, she became the first Black woman to acquire a doctorate in the natural sciences after defending her dissertation on tuberculosis at Ohio State University. While a treatment for tuberculosis was still more than a decade away, Moore's efforts helped lead scientists to developing a cure for the disease, which was the second leading cause of death at the time. Moore joined the faculty at Howard University as an assistant professor after completing her Ph.D. in bacteriology, eventually rising to the position of department head. Moore's promotion to department head at Howard marked a first for female faculty members. Her studies on the blood types of African-Americans and, later, the susceptibilities of various gut microbes to antibiotics, have had far-reaching effects on public health. Moore was the first African-American woman to be accepted into the American Society for Microbiology, among other scientific organizations she joined during her career. Near the time of her retirement from Howard University in 1973, Moore also received honorary degrees from Oberlin College and Gettysburg College.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/microbiologist.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Diastello, H. (2023). Ruth Ella Moore: Overcoming Racism and Misogyny to Pursue Her Passion [Photograph]. TheClarion. https://www.sinclairclarion.com/home/opinion/my-voice/2023/03/16/ruth-ella-moore-overcoming-racism-and-misogyny-to-pursue-her-passion/\"\n },\n {\n id: \"natDisaster\",\n displayName: \"Natural Disaster Researcher\",\n description:\n \"Nature creates some seriously scary weather events and catastrophes that can be devastating for people, wildlife, and the environment. Natural disaster researchers include a broad team of scientists who work to prevent and lessen the damage of these events, helping to save people, animals, and vulnerable ecosystems. They might study the eruption of volcanoes as volcanologists; earthquakes and tsunamis as seismologists; tornadoes, blizzards, and droughts as meteorologists; or forest fires as wildfire ecologists.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"susBuilder\",\n displayName: \"Sustainable Builder\",\n description:\n \"Sustainable builders and construction professionals use green materials and building practices to construct everything from houses to skyscrapers. This means using eco-friendly materials like reclaimed wood, bamboo, and recycled stone and metal, and using building designs that are environmentally friendly. Putting solar panels on the outside of buildings can harness the power of the sun so you use less electricity inside. Building a system where wastewater from faucets inside a house is rerouted to the plants outside helps conserve water. This career field not only makes the planet happier and cleaner; it creates beautiful places for people to live and work.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"teacher\",\n displayName: \"STEM Teacher or Education Specialist\",\n description:\n \"Educators play a critical role in shaping future generations. Teachers in the subjects of science, computers and technology, engineering, or math can work with students from preschool through high school or secondary school, or even as professors at a university. What they all have in common is a goal of inspiring others to pursue their own dreams in STEM. Education professionals might also include roles like a curriculum specialist or an education administrator, who plan lessons for STEM classes across multiple schools, oversee out-of-school education programs at a science museum, or advocate for improved STEM education programming. They might also work with companies and nonprofit organizations to support their STEM community engagement activities.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"sciWriter\",\n displayName: \"Science Writer\",\n description:\n \"Science doesn’t just need researchers and practitioners: It needs excellent communicators, too. It takes someone with a good understanding of scientific fields, principles, and research to report on these topics in academic journals, press releases, newspapers and other media outlets. When a groundbreaking scientific discovery is made, can you break down the information and explain it to the public? To be a science writer takes strong writing, editing, and communication skills, as well as a passion for the scientific field of your choice—from medicine to physics to astronomy.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"advocate\",\n displayName: \"Policy Change Advocate\",\n description:\n \"Do you care about defending human rights? Fighting hunger, poverty, and healthcare inequity? Protecting endangered species? Preventing global warming? Important social issues like these can be improved through changes in laws or policy, and these changes require the dedicated work of advocates and activists who want to make the world a better place. This career might include reviewing data and using statistical analysis to understand an issue, or writing policy briefs for government hearings. Depending on the particular social issue you work to address, it can require expertise in any of the STEM2D fields.\",\n expertName: \"Peggy Rajski\",\n expertTitle: \"Policy Change Advocate\",\n expertDesc: \n \"Peggy Rajski is the founder of The Trevor Project and interim CEO. Rajski is an Oscar-winning filmmaker who won the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short for directing the short film Trevor (1994) highlighting the obstacles faced by LGBTQ youth. When The Trevor Project was founded in 1998, the general public lacked exposure to and understanding of LGBTQ identities, and media portrayals of the LGBTQ community were often offensive or nonexistent. The group's mission is to reduce the rate of LGBTQ youth suicide by implementing free, anonymous crisis intervention and suicide prevention programs on online communities visited by young people. The Trevor Project is the most prominent organization fighting for the mental health of LGBTQ youth through legislation, litigation, and public education. These activities include fighting for suicide prevention and intervention programs at the national, state, and local levels to address the underlying causes of their heightened vulnerability to suicide. In addition to providing innovative teaching, research, and advocacy initiatives, they manage TrevorSpace, the largest safe space social networking site for LGBTQ youth around the globe.\",\n expertPhoto: \"/experts/policy-change-advocate.jpg\",\n expertCredit: \"Colin, P. (2020). LMU Dean Peggy Rajski [Photograph]. Deadline. https://deadline.com/2020/05/los-angeles-film-schools-coronavirus-shutdown-changes-curriculum-hollywood-1202915930/\"\n },\n];\n\nexport default careers;\n","import dye from '../assets/dye.jpg';\nimport desk from '../assets/desk.jpg';\nimport bubbles from '../assets/bubbles.png';\nimport bars from '../assets/bars.png';\nimport carryon from '../assets/carryon.jpg';\nimport trophy from '../assets/trophy.jpg';\nimport helix from '../assets/helix.jpg';\nimport hex from '../assets/hex.jpg';\nimport spirals from '../assets/spirals.jpg';\nimport blocks from '../assets/blocks.jpg';\nimport planes from '../assets/planes.jpg';\nimport notes from '../assets/notes.jpg';\nimport balloons from '../assets/balloons.jpg';\nimport ring from '../assets/ring_shadow_2.jpg';\n\nimport careers from './careers.js';\n\nconst ids = careers.map((career) => {\n return career.id;\n});\n// console.log(ids);\n\nconst getIds = (arr) => {\n return arr.map((val) => {\n return ids[val];\n });\n};\n\nconst multiChoiceOptions = [\n getIds([\n 1,\n 5,\n 10,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n getIds([2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39]),\n getIds([2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 37, 39]),\n getIds([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39]),\n getIds([4, 6, 7, 15, 18, 26, 28, 36, 37, 39]),\n getIds([2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 17, 18, 22, 28, 29, 36, 37, 39]),\n];\n\nconst questions = [\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 1 */\n type: 'ranking',\n prompt: 'How do you want to make a difference?',\n score: 2,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'By helping people',\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 5,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 13,\n 15,\n 16,\n 17,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 22,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 28,\n 29,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'By helping the planet',\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 6,\n 7,\n 9,\n 10,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 17,\n 18,\n 20,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'By helping animals',\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 6,\n 7,\n 10,\n 13,\n 14,\n 16,\n 17,\n 20,\n 21,\n 24,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'white vertical-cross-out',\n image: dye,\n imageClass: 'bottom',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 2 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'Which adventure would you choose?',\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'Camping in the wilderness and spending the night stargazing',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Exploring incredible worlds in virtual reality that bring imagination to life',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Crossing the tallest bridge in the world, even if it sways in the wind',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: 'Solving puzzles and deciphering codes in an escape room',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text: 'Building an amazing, two-story tree house to hang out in',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: 'Going to a fashion show to see beautiful clothing designs',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'light-blue vertical-cross chomp-out',\n image: bars,\n imageClass: 'rise short',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 3 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'What item would you want to find waiting on your desk?',\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'A microscope',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: 'A build-your-own-computer kit',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text: 'A 3D printing pen',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: 'An advanced graphing calculator',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text: 'A sewing machine',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: 'A deluxe art supply set',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'yellow chomp parallax-out',\n image: desk,\n imageClass: 'rise long desk',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 4 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'On your ideal field trip, you would…',\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'Look at gems, insects, and fossils at a natural history museum.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: 'Go hands-on with the latest tech at a hackathon.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Explore a museum of inventions that have shaped life as we know it.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Visit a music studio and learn how to adjust sound levels to make songs pop.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Tour a factory to see how things are made, from smart phones to airplanes.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: 'Wander around a modern art museum.',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'purple parallax vertical-cross-out',\n image: carryon,\n imageClass: 'rise short purple',\n },\n },\n\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 5 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'Which contest are you most likely to win?',\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'A science fair',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: 'A video game tournament',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text: 'A custom-built robot battle',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: 'A math Olympiad',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text: 'A soapbox car race',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: 'A photography contest',\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'pink vertical-cross chomp-out',\n image: trophy,\n imageClass: 'bottom left',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 6 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'Which is most true for you?',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n 'I love to go on trips and explore new places. I want to travel the world.',\n careers: getIds([0, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 34, 35, 38]),\n },\n {\n text:\n \"I love to create my own unique space at home—whether it's my room, desk, or locker.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'white2 chomp parallax-out',\n image: helix,\n imageClass: 'rise helix',\n },\n },\n\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 7 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'Which kind of school project do you like best?',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n 'Group: I have fun working with a team. I like when everyone contributes their own unique talents.',\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 4,\n 5,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text:\n 'Individual: I can do things my own way, and I feel proud creating something on my own.',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'light-blue2 parallax vertical-cross-out',\n image: balloons,\n imageClass: 'rise long balloons',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 8 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt: 'Which is most true for you?',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n 'I am an adventurer and a doer. I like learning through hands-on experiments and activities.',\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 4,\n 6,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 24,\n 26,\n 27,\n 29,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text:\n \"I am a dreamer and a thinker. I'm good at understanding metaphors and abstract ideas.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'white2 vertical-cross chomp-out',\n image: hex,\n imageClass: 'float',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 9 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt:\n 'True or false: You are a natural leader. You like making decisions and inspiring others.',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'True',\n careers: getIds([2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 19, 26, 28, 30, 31, 37, 39]),\n },\n {\n text: 'False',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'orange chomp parallax-out',\n image: spirals,\n imageClass: 'rise long spirals',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 10 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt:\n 'True or false: You like facts. You enjoy investigating, studying, and working with numbers.',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'True',\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 5,\n 8,\n 9,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 22,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'False',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'pink2 parallax vertical-cross-out',\n image: blocks,\n imageClass: 'rise long blocks',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 11 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt:\n 'True or false: You like new ideas. You enjoy finding creative ways to solve problems.',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'True',\n careers: getIds([\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 6,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 17,\n 18,\n 22,\n 23,\n 24,\n 28,\n 29,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'False',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'light-blue vertical-cross chomp-out',\n image: planes,\n imageClass: 'float spin',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 12 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt:\n \"True or false: You are a planner. You're organized and love checklists.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'True',\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 5,\n 6,\n 7,\n 8,\n 11,\n 13,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 22,\n 23,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 28,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'False',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'white3 chomp parallax-out',\n image: notes,\n imageClass: 'float',\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 13 */\n type: 'multiChoice',\n prompt:\n 'True or false: You are spontaneous. You face each day ready for infinite possibilities.',\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: 'True',\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 14,\n 17,\n 18,\n 19,\n 21,\n 24,\n 28,\n 29,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: 'False',\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: 'pink2 parallax vertical-cross-out',\n image: ring,\n imageClass: 'float',\n },\n },\n];\n\nexport default questions;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nconst copy = {\n home: {\n header: \"How will you use your unique talents to make a difference?\",\n p1:\n \"There are thousands of incredible jobs in science, technology, engineering, math, manufacturing, and design. You could design the next solar panel or clean energy resource, help heal injured animals, or solve seemingly impossible equations.\",\n p2:\n \"Take this quiz and explore how a career in STEM2D can help you shape the future.\",\n cta: \"Start the quiz\",\n },\n quiz: {\n rankingPrompt: (\n \n Choose your top two priorities.\n \n ),\n multiPrompt: Select one answer.,\n counter1: \"question\",\n counter2: \"of\",\n cta: \"Next\",\n lastCta: \"See results\",\n },\n results: {\n loading: \"Calculating your results\",\n header: \"We've got your top matches.\",\n subheader:\n \"Based on your unique answers, here are some exciting career possibilities for you to explore!\",\n readMore: \"Read more\",\n hide: \"Hide\",\n shareText: \"I'm a great match for \",\n nextStepsHeader: \"Explore more from home!\",\n nextStepsBody: (\n

\n Start your journey toward an exciting future with these fun STEM\n 2D activities that use materials from around the house!\n

\n ),\n nextStepsCta: \"Learn more\",\n tryAgainPrompt: \"Want to try again?\",\n tryAgainCta: \"Retake the quiz\",\n exploreMorePrompt: \"Explore more careers\",\n exploreMoreCta: \"See the full list\",\n exploreMoreCta2: \"Show my top results\",\n },\n global: {\n footer: \"Developed with support from Johnson & Johnson\",\n },\n};\n\nexport default copy;\n","const careers = [\n {\n id: \"actuary\",\n displayName: \"Actuaria\",\n description:\n \"Un actuario ayuda a garantizar que las personas estén protegidas de diferentes riesgos, como desastres naturales, enfermedades o accidentes. Los actuarios usan las matemáticas para ayudar a las compañías de seguros a darles tranquilidad a las personas, al saber que recibirán atención si necesitan ayuda. Por ejemplo, si se enferman y deben enfrentar altas facturas del hospital, o si su casa se daña en una inundación o incendio, recibirán ayuda financiera para cubrir los costos. Un actuario también puede viajar a diferentes lugares para trabajar con los gobiernos y ayudarlos a comprender y prepararse para los grandes riesgos a nivel sociedad, como el cambio climático, las epidemias y las crisis económicas.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"oncologist\",\n displayName: \"Oncóloga matemática\",\n description:\n \"Los matemáticos pueden ayudar a los investigadores, médicos y miembros del personal médico a superar el cáncer mediante el uso de las matemáticas para comprender la tasa de crecimiento de los tumores. Los oncólogos matemáticos son una parte importante del equipo en el campo de la oncología, que es el área de la medicina que maneja el tratamiento del cáncer. Desempeñan un papel importante en la investigación del cáncer al medir y predecir cómo las células cancerosas pueden crecer y viajar a otras partes del cuerpo (metástasis) a través del modelado y la simulación. Los oncólogos matemáticos pueden usar los datos que recopilan para comprender cómo las células cancerosas responderán a los diferentes tratamientos, lo que puede salvar vidas.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"dataPro\",\n displayName: \"Profesional de datos\",\n description:\n \"Un profesional de datos puede incluir muchas carreras diferentes, como analista de datos, arquitecto de datos, ingeniero de datos o científico de datos. ¿Qué tienen todas ellos en común? Estos profesionales usan estadísticas (una rama de la matemática) para comprender y resolver los complejos problemas del mundo. Organice, gestione e interprete grandes cantidades de datos para llegar al panorama COMPLETO. ¿Cómo podemos detener una pandemia? ¿Qué podemos hacer para proteger las especies en peligro de extinción? ¿Cómo pueden los agricultores cultivar más alimentos de manera más eficiente para ayudar a combatir el hambre? Puede usar números para responder estas preguntas y marcar una diferencia significativa en cualquier causa que le interese.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"architect\",\n displayName: \"Arquitecta o proyectista civil\",\n description:\n \"Los arquitectos y proyectistas civiles diseñan los edificios y espacios que conforman nuestro mundo. Diseñan todo, desde casas y enormes rascacielos hasta parques y ciudades enteras. Usted puede dar vida a hermosos espacios desde su imaginación para que las personas puedan vivir en ellos y disfrutarlos. Es posible que se especialice en condiciones climáticas extremas y diseñe edificios que se mantendrán en pie tras un terremoto, o que se enfoque en una arquitectura sostenible para hacer que los edificios sean eficientes en términos energéticos (o ecológicos) a fin de ayudar al planeta. Incluso podría concentrarse en diseñar hábitats animales increíbles, un tipo especial de arquitectura del paisaje en la cual trabajará con zoólogos.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"carDesigner\",\n displayName: \"Diseñadora, ingeniera o fabricante de automóviles\",\n description:\n \"Siendo profesional en industria automotriz, puede dar vida a las innovaciones de automóviles más emocionantes. Ya sea que trabajen en la parte de diseño, ingeniería o fabricación del proceso, las personas que crean los autos que manejamos no solo se enfocan en su estética y diversión. También trabajan duro para crear funciones de seguridad inteligentes que eviten accidentes automovilísticos y salven vidas. Además, desarrollan automóviles ecológicos que funcionan con electricidad o combustibles limpios, creando aire más limpio y protegiendo al medio ambiente de los gases nocivos del efecto invernadero que causan el calentamiento global.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"biostatistician\",\n displayName: \"Bioestadística\",\n description:\n \"Combinando los campos de la biología y las estadísticas (una rama de la matemática), los bioestadísticos observan los datos de la investigación médica y los analizan para comprender mejor cómo mantener a las personas sanas y saludables. A menudo trabajan con otros investigadores y científicos. Por ejemplo, los científicos de la NASA trabajan con bioestadísticos para estudiar cómo el espacio exterior y la baja gravedad afectan el cuerpo humano, a fin de poder proteger a los astronautas contra daños durante largos viajes espaciales. Los bioestadísticos también pueden ayudar con los ensayos clínicos para determinar cuán efectivo es un nuevo medicamento para tratar una enfermedad, o para evaluar cuán efectiva es la protección de una vacuna contra un virus peligroso.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"recycleManufacture\",\n displayName: \"Fabricante de materiales sostenibles o reciclados\",\n description:\n \"Use sus manos para crear productos cotidianos con materiales que sean favorables para el planeta. Cuando reciclamos, todo un equipo de personas está detrás de escena convirtiendo esos materiales reciclados en cosas nuevas. Los clasificadores separan materiales como plástico y vidrio; los ensambladores y fabricantes convierten los materiales reciclados en nuevos productos; y los gerentes de las instalaciones se aseguran de que todo funcione sin problemas y de forma segura. Este equipo convierte la basura de ayer en el tesoro de mañana. Otros materiales sostenibles también son críticos para la fabricación. En la fabricación de ropa, materiales como el lienzo y la piel sintética crean hermosos diseños de moda que no dañan a los animales. Para los constructores de muebles, la madera recuperada se puede utilizar para crear hermosas mesas y aparadores que sean duraderos y respetuosos con el medio ambiente.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"printTech\",\n displayName: \"Técnica de impresión 3D\",\n description: `El apasionante mundo de la impresión 3D puede marcar una gran diferencia. A veces llamada fabricación aditiva, utiliza tecnología para \"imprimir\" objetos 3D desde un diseño de computadora. Es precisa, por lo que un técnico de impresión 3D puede replicar objetos del mundo real que se ven y se sienten como si fueran reales. Entonces, ¿qué pasaría si pudiera imprimir sustratos de arrecifes de coral para regenerar los ecosistemas de coral bajo el agua y salvar especies en peligro de extinción? ¿O imprimir materiales de construcción de bajo costo para reconstruir una ciudad después de un desastre natural? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiera imprimir prótesis, o extremidades artificiales, para ayudar a alguien que ha perdido una pierna a caminar nuevamente? Los técnicos de impresión 3D hacen que esto suceda.`,\n },\n {\n id: \"hacker\",\n displayName: \"Hacker ética\",\n description:\n \"Los hackers éticos son científicos informáticos y programadores que pueden ayudar a una empresa u organización a determinar si son vulnerables a la piratería, la acción mediante la cual los delincuentes obtienen acceso a redes y sistemas informáticos para robar información digital, dinero o las identidades de sus empleados. Los hackers éticos pueden tener las mismas habilidades que los piratas informáticos, pero eligen usarlas para fines legítimos. Trabajan con la compañía para encontrar puntos débiles en los cuales podrían entrar los piratas informáticos, y ayudan a aumentar la seguridad para protegerla de esa amenaza. Los hackers éticos incluso pueden viajar hacia diferentes compañías para proporcionar sus servicios.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"mechDrafter\",\n displayName: \"Diseñadora mecánica\",\n description:\n \"Los diseñadores mecánicos dibujan diagramas detallados de máquinas y dispositivos mecánicos y ayudan a ingenieros, arquitectos y constructores a darles vida. Según su interés, hay muchas formas de apoyar el trabajo en este campo. Podría ser parte del equipo creando nueva tecnología médica que salva vidas en hospitales, diseñando sistemas de tránsito nuevos y eficientes para proporcionar transporte público limpio que ayude al medio ambiente, o dibujando robots complejos que pueden enviarse a entornos peligrosos en lugar de personas que arriesgan sus vidas.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"biomed\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera de nanotecnología biomédica\",\n description:\n \"La nanotecnología es un campo de ingeniería revolucionario que está cambiando la faz de la ciencia, la tecnología, el medio ambiente y la salud. Los ingenieros de nanotecnología desarrollan y trabajan con materiales en una escala muy pequeña (a nivel molecular) para resolver problemas y facilitar la vida. Un especialista biomédico en este campo podría usar partículas diminutas para encontrar y matar células cancerosas, o usar biomateriales en ingeniería de tejidos para reemplazar tejidos y órganos dañados por enfermedades o lesiones. A menudo, esta carrera incluye investigación en un laboratorio, realización de experimentos y uso de tecnología avanzada. Estos sorprendentes descubrimientos de investigación están cambiando el campo de la medicina para ayudar a las personas de todo el mundo.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"elecEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera eléctrica\",\n description:\n \"Los ingenieros eléctricos son solucionadores de problemas creativos, utilizan las matemáticas de maneras inusuales para crear sistemas de energía eficientes. La energía está en todas partes, por lo que los ingenieros eléctricos pueden desarrollar una carrera en cualquier parte del mundo. Con muchos subcampos, sus intereses específicos pueden brillar en esta área. Los ingenieros eléctricos ayudan a [DP1] a diseñar automóviles eléctricos para disminuir la contaminación del gas y del aire venenoso. Los ingenieros ópticos trabajan con fibra óptica para proporcionar acceso a Internet en todo el mundo. Los ingenieros informáticos construyen computadoras más rápidas que usan menos energía. Los recién llegados al campo están constantemente ayudando a transformar la industria. La diversidad de puntos de vista aporta creatividad, por lo cual se espera que trabaje en equipo con otros ingenieros a fin de tratar de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"sportsHealth\",\n displayName:\n \"Proveedora de atención médica especializada en medicina deportiva\",\n description:\n \"Desde entrenadores de atletismo hasta médicos especializados en medicina deportiva, los proveedores de atención médica especializados en medicina deportiva tienen capacitación especial para tratar lesiones relacionadas con el atletismo. Pueden ayudar a atletas profesionales, personas con trabajos físicamente exigentes, niños y adolescentes que practican deportes recreativos, y otros adultos que se lastiman mientras hacen ejercicio. Estos profesionales de la salud podrían especializarse en lesiones musculares, cirugía ortopédica, conmociones (lesiones) cerebrales y entrenamiento deportivo. Cualquiera sea el enfoque, todos trabajan para ayudar a las personas a sanar después de lesiones de alto impacto o a alcanzar el máximo de sus capacidades físicas.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"conservationSci\",\n displayName: \"Científica conservacionista\",\n description:\n \"Los científicos conservacionistas se preocupan por salvaguardar los recursos naturales del mundo. A menudo trabajan al aire libre (a veces, viajan a bosques, parques públicos y áreas remotas) para ayudar a proteger el agua, la tierra, los hábitats de vida silvestre o las plantas. Un conservacionista puede trabajar con los ganaderos para evitar que los animales pastoreen en exceso y amenacen los pastizales; para asesorar a los agricultores sobre las mejores formas de preservar el agua que utilizan para sus cultivos; o para estudiar cómo proteger los arrecifes de coral y todos los animales marinos que viven en ellos. Su pasión por la naturaleza beneficia a todos, incluidos los animales y las personas que viven y disfrutan de ella.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"wildBio\",\n displayName: \"Bióloga de vida silvestre\",\n description:\n \"Como bióloga de vida silvestre, puede estudiar la biología, el comportamiento y los hábitats de sus animales salvajes favoritos. Explore las selvas de Sri Lanka para estudiar cómo proteger a los leopardos nativos de la extinción, o viaje a las llanuras del Serengueti para ayudar a clasificar y reubicar rinocerontes, jirafas y elefantes salvajes y salvar ecosistemas vulnerables. Investigue el impacto de los proyectos comerciales en las poblaciones locales de vida silvestre, y proporcione a los gobiernos locales recomendaciones para proteger los hábitats de tierra y agua. Los biólogos de vida silvestre trabajan en equipos de científicos tanto en la naturaleza como en un laboratorio, y el trabajo puede incluir experimentos científicos y viajar a lugares remotos de todo el mundo.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"lifeScience\",\n displayName: \"Especialista en fabricación de ciencias biológicas\",\n description:\n \"Imagine que los investigadores acaban de presentar una nueva vacuna contra un virus que está infectando a personas de todo el mundo. Luego, esta vacuna debe ser producida en masa, y rápidamente, para que las personas puedan recibirla lo antes posible. Los especialistas en fabricación son algunas de las personas responsables de obtener las vacunas, así como otros medicamentos para personas y animales, desde el laboratorio de un investigador hasta su farmacia o veterinario local. Estos especialistas pueden apoyar la producción de la vacuna en lotes asegurándose de que el equipo de fabricación funcione correctamente, los productos se trasladen eficientemente a través de la línea de producción y se sigan las pautas de seguridad.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"envScience\",\n displayName: \"Científica ambiental\",\n description:\n \"Aplique su amor por la ciencia para resolver problemas ambientales como la contaminación, y de esta manera podrá ayudar al planeta, así como a las personas y animales que viven en él. Los científicos ambientales suelen enfocarse en formas de reducir la contaminación del aire, el agua y el suelo. Pueden incluir especialistas que recolectan muestras de agua y tierra para analizar químicos tóxicos o radiación; investigadores en el laboratorio que realizan las pruebas; y buscadores curiosos que viajan para investigar las fuentes de contaminación. Los científicos ambientales a menudo trabajan con un equipo de personas dedicadas a lograr el mismo objetivo, como hacer que el aire que respiramos sea más limpio o prevenir el cambio climático.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"webDesign\",\n displayName: \"Diseñadora creativa o desarrolladora web\",\n description:\n \"Las empresas comerciales y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro que realizan un trabajo significativo necesitan artistas talentosos para contar sus historias. Use sus habilidades creativas y su imaginación para crear hermosas imágenes y sitios web increíbles para la causa que le interesa. Diseñe anuncios imaginativos que alienten a las personas a reciclar y conservar el agua. Edite fotos impresionantes de perros y gatos en adopción para ayudar a las mascotas del rescate local a encontrar sus hogares para siempre. Cree sitios web para organizaciones de derechos humanos que ayuden a las personas a apoyar sus causas. Puede trabajar en un equipo o ser su propio jefa como diseñadora independiente que ayuda a sus clientes a marcar la diferencia en el mundo.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"robotEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera o Técnica en Robótica\",\n description:\n \"Los ingenieros de robótica diseñan y programan robots, mientras que los técnicos de robótica se centran en probarlos, operarlos, mantenerlos y repararlos. Ambos utilizan tecnología e ingeniería innovadoras para crear robots con inteligencia artificial que pueden proteger el planeta y salvar la vida de las personas. Hoy en día, los robots que luchan contra incendios y pueden soportar el calor y el humo están ayudando a los socorristas a apagar las llamas; los drones con cámaras de alta resolución están ayudando a los equipos de búsqueda y rescate a encontrar rápidamente a las personas que necesitan salvarse; y toneladas de bots avanzados están ayudando al planeta limpiando basura y contaminantes del océano, plantando árboles, cosechando energía solar y haciendo posible un transporte limpio. ¿Qué los ayudará a hacer usted mañana?\",\n },\n {\n id: \"healthSpecialist\",\n displayName: \"Especialista en atención médica\",\n description:\n \"La atención médica consiste en brindar cuidados a los pacientes para mejorar su salud y bienestar. Incluye prevenir, diagnosticar y tratar todo tipo de enfermedades y lesiones. No es sorprendente que haya una variedad de diferentes opciones de carreras en este campo. Enfermeros, médicos, asistentes médicos, flebotomistas, inmunólogos, epidemiólogos y dietistas trabajan juntos para mejorar la salud de las personas. Muchas organizaciones benéficas de ayuda también ofrecen la oportunidad de brindar atención médica en todo el mundo. Los trabajos vinculados a la atención médica son tremendamente gratificantes. No importa qué rol cumpla en el equipo, ¡siempre podrá contribuir a salvar vidas!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"scienceTech\",\n displayName: \"Técnica en ciencias\",\n description:\n \"Los técnicos en ciencias trabajan en campos que van desde la ciencia animal hasta la ciencia forense y la ciencia de los alimentos. Utilizan el método científico para realizar experimentos e investigaciones en su campo de elección. Por ejemplo, los técnicos químicos pueden experimentar y probar diferentes productos para asegurarse de que no dañen a las personas ni al medio ambiente. Los técnicos nucleares monitorean los niveles de radiación para asegurarse de que no haya fugas de radiación. Además, analizan el aire y el agua en busca de contaminación y emiten procedimientos de seguridad si se encuentra radiación. Los técnicos de teledetección utilizan herramientas ópticas avanzadas como imágenes satelitales e infrarrojas para examinar los impactos ambientales y recomendar cambios a funcionarios del gobierno.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"vet\",\n displayName: \"Veterinaria o Rehabilitadora de vida silvestre\",\n description:\n \"Use la medicina veterinaria para sanar a nuestros amigos peludos, escamosos o emplumados, desde queridas mascotas hasta animales salvajes que viven en ecosistemas exóticos de todo el mundo. Use su pasión por ayudar a los animales para cuidar a los perros, gatos y pájaros de las personas en un hospital veterinario local; ayude a entregar potros (crías de caballos) a las granjas cercanas; o incluso tratar elefantes rescatados en un refugio de vida silvestre en Tailandia.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"softwareDev\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera de aplicaciones o desarrolladora de software\",\n description:\n \"Use un diseño centrado en el ser humano a fin de crear aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes o programas de computadora que ayuden a las personas. Estos líderes tecnológicos crean programas innovadores que pueden cambiar la vida de la gente. Algunos ejemplos incluyen la tecnología para evitar colisiones que advierte a los conductores si corren el riesgo de sufrir un accidente automovilístico; tecnología accesible que ayuda a las personas con discapacidad; o aplicaciones que promueven la salud mental en adolescentes. Con una carrera en este campo, puede utilizar la tecnología innovadora de muchas maneras para marcar una diferencia en el mundo.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"envEngineer\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera ambiental, energética o de agua\",\n description:\n \"Hay muchas carreras diferentes en el campo de la ingeniería que se enfocan en proporcionar a las personas aire limpio, energía y agua para mejorar sus vidas. Los ingenieros ambientales trabajan para prevenir y controlar peligros como la contaminación, el agua potable no segura, el cambio climático o los desechos peligrosos. Podrían realizar pruebas y fabricar equipos para medir y reducir la contaminación del aire; diseñar potentes aerogeneradores para generar energía sostenible; o construir estructuras que brinden agua potable a comunidades remotas de todo el mundo. Todas estas carreras utilizan conceptos y tecnologías de ingeniería civil y mecánica para resolver problemas globales, haciendo que las personas y el planeta sean más saludables.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"urbGrower\",\n displayName: \"Productora urbana\",\n description:\n \"Los productores urbanos trabajan en la agricultura de una manera que no podría imaginarse. En lugar de cultivar frutas y verduras en granjas rurales, se centran en cultivarlas en los jardines de los tejados de las grandes ciudades. Los productores urbanos no solo reducen las emisiones de dióxido de carbono, dado que no es necesario entregar los alimentos desde un lugar lejano, sino que también mejoran la calidad del aire en las ciudades al cultivar plantas que producen oxígeno. Realizan todo esto mientras proporcionan alimentos saludables y nutritivos a las personas en su comunidad. Quizás le gusta la ciencia... ¡y también tiene buena mano para las plantas!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"foodChemist\",\n displayName: \"Química de alimentos o medicamentos\",\n description:\n \"Tal vez ha realizado experimentos de química en la escuela o en casa con ácidos, líquidos con gas, cristales o limo. ¿Sabía que la química también es la ciencia detrás de los alimentos que comemos todos los días y los medicamentos que tomamos cuando estamos enfermos? Los tecnólogos de sabores realizan experimentos para crear nuevos sabores para alimentos y bebidas, y suelen trabajar para hacer deliciosas comidas nutritivas a fin de alentar a las personas a comer alimentos saludables. Los químicos de alimentos también podrían trabajar para aumentar la vida útil de los alimentos, brindar protección contra enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos, o crear nuevos alimentos a base de plantas como alternativas a la carne, que pueden ser mejores para el medio ambiente. Los químicos medicinales desarrollan los compuestos químicos que se encuentran en el analgésico que usted toma cuando tiene dolor de cabeza, así como medicamentos que salvan vidas y que ayudan a las personas en todo el mundo.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"productSafety\",\n displayName: \"Ingeniera en seguridad de productos\",\n description:\n \"Los ingenieros en seguridad de productos conocen la mejor manera de hacer las cosas de manera eficiente y segura. Utilizan estas habilidades para probar productos comerciales nuevos e inventivos para garantizar su seguridad, desde la cuna de un niño hasta un reactor nuclear en una planta de energía. Asuma un rol de liderazgo al evaluar productos para identificar problemas peligrosos con el diseño o los materiales y hacer recomendaciones sobre cómo mejorar la seguridad. En esta carrera, incluso puede viajar de fábrica en fábrica para verificar los estándares de seguridad. Ya sea que esté probando el peligro de asfixia de un juguete nuevo o asegurándose de que una nueva solución de limpieza no se mezcle con productos químicos domésticos para crear reacciones peligrosas, ¡puede ayudar a mantener a millones de personas a salvo de daños!\",\n },\n {\n id: \"laserTech\",\n displayName: \"Técnica o ingeniera láser\",\n description:\n \"Los láseres son más que simplemente ciencia ficción. Hoy en día, son responsables de todo, desde cirugías correctivas oculares hasta imágenes por láser. Como ingeniero láser, usted puede desarrollar sistemas avanzados que pueden cortar diamantes y otros materiales ásperos, o puede ayudar en el diseño de fibra óptica que brinda Internet de alta velocidad. Los láseres son muy precisos, por lo que la atención al detalle es fundamental para los técnicos que los operan. Esta tecnología ha llevado a saltos masivos en los campos quirúrgicos, donde puede ayudar a corregir la vista de una persona para que pueda ver claramente por primera vez, o ayudar en la cirugía reconstructiva para hacer crecer la piel o los huesos de las personas que han sufrido accidentes trágicos.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"commercialDesign\",\n displayName: \"Diseñadora comercial e industrial\",\n description:\n \"¿Tiene un don para el diseño? ¿Dibuja hermosos proyectos de moda o redecora su habitación en su tiempo libre? Los diseñadores comerciales e industriales combinan belleza y funcionalidad creando productos que hacen la vida más fácil y más agradable. Los diseñadores de moda trabajan con ropa colorida, joyas y accesorios; los diseñadores de interiores crean hermosos espacios; y los diseñadores comerciales elaboran elegantes artículos para el día a día, como auriculares inalámbricos o modernas botellas de agua reutilizables. Puede dar vida a su imaginación a través de aplicaciones importantes del mundo real.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"scanner\",\n displayName: \"Especialista en escaneo 3D\",\n description: `Los especialistas en escaneo 3D utilizan tecnología para escanear objetos del mundo real y recrearlos digitalmente. Podría usar drones para capturar escaneos detallados de entornos naturales para construir mundos de videojuegos, o escanear actores, accesorios y escenarios para obtener espectaculares efectos especiales en películas. Incluso podría viajar a sitios históricos increíbles para crear copias de seguridad digitales de hitos antiguos. Los increíbles escaneos 3D de la Catedral de Notre Dame en París permitirán reconstruir la estructura de casi 1000 años de antigüedad con todo su esplendor anterior después de haber sido prácticamente destruida por un terrible incendio en 2019.`,\n },\n {\n id: \"sportStat\",\n displayName: \"Estadista deportiva\",\n description:\n \"Los estadistas deportivos usan las matemáticas para predecir qué tan bien se desempeñarán los jugadores y los equipos en su deporte. Son excelentes con los números, recopilan y organizan grandes conjuntos de datos y comprenden lo que se dice sobre los atletas del mundo real y sus desempeños. Este trabajo requiere un pensamiento abstracto y poder mirar el panorama general. Desarrollan programas de computadora y usan modelos matemáticos para mostrar cómo los momentos individuales, como la puntuación de un jugador, afectarán el resultado del juego. Esta es una gran carrera si usted es buena en matemáticas y ama los deportes.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"patientSafety\",\n displayName: \"Oficial de seguridad del paciente\",\n description:\n \"Si alguna vez ha estado en un centro de salud como un hospital o consultorio médico, sabrá que el personal puede estar muy ocupado. Se necesitan muchas piezas móviles para que estos lugares funcionen sin problemas, y la colaboración entre médicos, enfermeras y otros miembros del personal es clave. Los oficiales de seguridad del paciente trabajan con proveedores de atención médica y otros miembros del personal del edificio para hacer que sus instalaciones sean lo más seguras posible para los pacientes. Pueden crear un programa de capacitación para enseñarles a los médicos y enfermeras cómo prevenir la propagación de bacterias peligrosas entre los pacientes, o analizar accidentes para averiguar si el personal cometió un error y evitar que eso vuelva a suceder. Los oficiales de seguridad del paciente leen las últimas investigaciones para garantizar la seguridad y el bienestar del paciente.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"opticalPhys\",\n displayName: \"Física óptica\",\n description:\n \"Los físicos ópticos trabajan en espacios reales y abstractos. Pueden hacer preguntas teóricas; por ejemplo, “¿Cómo interactúan las propiedades de la luz con la materia?”, y usan estas preguntas para avanzar en el campo de la investigación óptica. O bien, pueden trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los ingenieros y hacer preguntas más prácticas; por ejemplo, “¿Cómo se pueden usar los láseres para mejorar la vista de las personas?”. Como profesionales de alto nivel con mentalidad matemática, los físicos ópticos brindan experiencia en diversas industrias, desde el desarrollo de tecnologías médicas hasta el fortalecimiento de los sistemas de detección de misiles.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"industrialEco\",\n displayName: \"Ecologista industrial\",\n description:\n \"La ecología es una rama de la biología que se ocupa de cómo los organismos interactúan entre sí y con su entorno. En otras palabras, estudia cómo las diferentes especies viven juntas y cómo afectan al mundo que las rodea, desde pequeñas bacterias hasta el elefante africano. Los ecologistas industriales toman conceptos de la ecología y los usan para resolver problemas humanos complejos, como la contaminación. Por ejemplo, de la misma manera que un pez lechón se adhiere a un tiburón y vive de sus desechos, una compañía de biocombustibles puede trabajar con una cadena de restaurantes para convertir la grasa de la cocina vieja en combustible más limpio para los autos, de modo que no termine en el desagüe. Esta carrera requiere habilidades de pensamiento abstracto y resolución creativa de problemas, y los resultados pueden tener un gran impacto en el planeta.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"microbio\",\n displayName: \"Microbióloga\",\n description:\n \"Los microbiólogos pueden estudiar organismos pequeños, ¡pero las oportunidades en este campo no son para nada pequeñas! Con compañeros de equipo inteligentes y numerosos equipos de laboratorio, cuando ingrese al campo de la microbiología, se sumergirá en el mundo de las bacterias, algas, hongos, parásitos e incluso virus. Hay muchas áreas de enfoque dentro de la microbiología que van desde la comprensión del crecimiento bacteriano en las tuberías hasta el desarrollo de vacunas para brotes de enfermedades. Es posible que desee especializarse en un campo como bacteriología o parasitología, trabajar en un laboratorio de salud pública para tratar una variedad de organismos diferentes que causan enfermedades, o investigar cómo los componentes de las paredes celulares de las plantas podrían usarse para crear biocombustibles más ecológicos.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"natDisaster\",\n displayName: \"Investigadora de desastres naturales\",\n description:\n \"La naturaleza crea algunos fenómenos meteorológicos muy graves y catástrofes que pueden ser devastadoras para las personas, la vida silvestre y el medio ambiente. Los investigadores de desastres naturales incluyen un amplio equipo de científicos que trabajan para prevenir y disminuir el daño de estos eventos, ayudando a salvar personas, animales y ecosistemas vulnerables. Podrían estudiar la erupción de volcanes (vulcanólogos); terremotos y tsunamis (sismólogos); tornados, tormentas de nieve y sequías (meteorólogos); o incendios forestales (ecologistas de incendios forestales).\",\n },\n {\n id: \"susBuilder\",\n displayName: \"Constructora sostenible\",\n description:\n \"Los constructores sostenibles y los profesionales de la construcción utilizan materiales ecológicos y prácticas de construcción para construir todo, desde casas hasta rascacielos. Esto significa usar materiales ecológicos como madera recuperada, bambú y piedra y metal reciclados, y usar diseños de construcción favorables para el medio ambiente. Colocar paneles solares en el exterior de los edificios puede servir para aprovechar el poder del sol y usar menos electricidad en el interior. La construcción de un sistema donde el agua residual de los grifos dentro de una casa se redirige a las plantas exteriores ayuda a conservar el agua. Este campo profesional no solo logra un planeta más feliz y limpio, sino que también crea hermosos lugares donde las personas pueden vivir y trabajar.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"teacher\",\n displayName: \"Docente o Especialista en educación de CTIMFD\",\n description:\n \"Los educadores cumplen una función fundamental en la formación de las generaciones futuras. Los docentes en las áreas de ciencia, informática y tecnología, ingeniería o matemáticas pueden trabajar con estudiantes desde preescolar hasta el nivel secundario, o incluso como profesores en una universidad. Lo que todos tienen en común es el objetivo de inspirar a otros a perseguir sus propios sueños en el campo de CTIMFD. Los profesionales de la educación también pueden desempeñarse como especialistas en planes de estudios o administradores de educación, que planifican lecciones para clases de CTIMFD en varias escuelas, supervisan programas de educación fuera de la escuela en un museo de ciencias o abogan por una mejor programación de la educación CTIMFD. También podrían trabajar con empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro para apoyar sus actividades de participación comunitaria de CTIMFD.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"sciWriter\",\n displayName: \"Escritora de ciencias\",\n description:\n \"La ciencia no solo necesita investigadores y profesionales: También necesita excelentes comunicadores. Se necesita alguien con una buena comprensión de los campos científicos, principios e investigación para informar sobre estos temas en revistas académicas, comunicados de prensa, periódicos y otros medios de comunicación. Cuando se realiza un descubrimiento científico innovador, ¿puede desglosar la información y explicarla al público? Para ser un escritor científico, se requieren habilidades de escritura, edición y comunicación, así como ser apasionado por el campo científico de su elección, desde la medicina hasta la física y la astronomía.\",\n },\n {\n id: \"advocate\",\n displayName: \"Defensora del cambio de políticas\",\n description:\n \"¿Le importa defender los derechos humanos? ¿Lucha contra el hambre, la pobreza y la inequidad sanitaria? ¿Protege especies en peligro de extinción? ¿Previene el calentamiento global? Algunas cuestiones sociales importantes como estas pueden mejorarse mediante cambios en las leyes o políticas, y estos cambios requieren el trabajo dedicado de defensores y activistas que desean hacer del mundo un lugar mejor. Esta carrera podría incluir la revisión de datos y el uso de análisis estadísticos para comprender un problema, o la redacción de resúmenes de políticas para audiencias gubernamentales. Dependiendo del problema social particular en el cual esté trabajando, podría requerir experiencia en cualquiera de los campos de CTIMFD.\",\n },\n];\n\nexport default careers;\n","import dye from \"../assets/dye.jpg\";\nimport desk from \"../assets/desk.jpg\";\nimport bubbles from \"../assets/bubbles.png\";\nimport bars from \"../assets/bars.png\";\nimport carryon from \"../assets/carryon.jpg\";\nimport trophy from \"../assets/trophy.jpg\";\nimport helix from \"../assets/helix.jpg\";\nimport hex from \"../assets/hex.jpg\";\nimport spirals from \"../assets/spirals.jpg\";\nimport blocks from \"../assets/blocks.jpg\";\nimport planes from \"../assets/planes.jpg\";\nimport notes from \"../assets/notes.jpg\";\nimport balloons from \"../assets/balloons.jpg\";\nimport ring from \"../assets/ring_shadow_2.jpg\";\n\nimport careers from \"./careers.js\";\n\nconst ids = careers.map((career) => {\n return career.id;\n});\n// console.log(ids);\n\nconst getIds = (arr) => {\n return arr.map((val) => {\n return ids[val];\n });\n};\n\nconst multiChoiceOptions = [\n getIds([\n 1,\n 5,\n 10,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n getIds([2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39]),\n getIds([2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 37, 39]),\n getIds([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 16, 20, 22, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39]),\n getIds([4, 6, 7, 15, 18, 26, 28, 36, 37, 39]),\n getIds([2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 17, 18, 22, 28, 29, 36, 37, 39]),\n];\n\nconst questions = [\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 1 */\n type: \"ranking\",\n prompt: \"¿Cómo quiere hacer la diferencia?\",\n score: 2,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Ayudar a las personas.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 5,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 13,\n 15,\n 16,\n 17,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 22,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 28,\n 29,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Ayudar al planeta.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 6,\n 7,\n 9,\n 10,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 17,\n 18,\n 20,\n 23,\n 24,\n 25,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Ayudar a los animales.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 6,\n 7,\n 10,\n 13,\n 14,\n 16,\n 17,\n 20,\n 21,\n 24,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"white vertical-cross-out\",\n image: dye,\n imageClass: \"bottom\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 2 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué aventura elegiría?\",\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Acampar en el desierto y pasar la noche mirando las estrellas.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Explorar mundos increíbles en realidad virtual que dan vida a la imaginación.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Cruzar el puente más alto del mundo, incluso si se balancea con el viento.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: \"Resolver acertijos y descifrar códigos en una sala de escape.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Construir una increíble casa en el árbol de dos pisos para pasar el rato.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: \"Ir a un desfile de modas para ver hermosos diseños de ropa.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"light-blue vertical-cross chomp-out\",\n image: bars,\n imageClass: \"rise short\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 3 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué artículo le gustaría encontrar esperando en su escritorio?\",\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Un microscopio.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: \"Un kit para construir su propia computadora.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text: \"Un bolígrafo de impresión 3D.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: \"Una calculadora gráfica avanzada.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text: \"Una máquina de coser.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: \"Un conjunto de suministros de arte de lujo.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"yellow chomp parallax-out\",\n image: desk,\n imageClass: \"rise long desk\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 4 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"En su viaje de estudios ideal, usted…\",\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Mira gemas, insectos y fósiles en un museo de historia natural.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: \"Pone en práctica la última tecnología en un hackathón.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Explora un museo de invenciones que han moldeado la vida tal como la conocemos.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Visita un estudio de música y aprende a ajustar los niveles de sonido para hacer que las canciones se destaquen.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Visita una fábrica para ver cómo se hacen los objetos, desde teléfonos inteligentes hasta aviones.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: \"Pasea por un museo de arte moderno.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"purple parallax vertical-cross-out\",\n image: carryon,\n imageClass: \"rise short purple\",\n },\n },\n\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 5 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué concurso es más probable que gane?\",\n score: 3,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Una feria de ciencias.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[0],\n },\n {\n text: \"Un torneo de videojuegos.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[1],\n },\n {\n text: \"Una batalla robot personalizada.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[2],\n },\n {\n text: \"Olimpiada matemática.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[3],\n },\n {\n text: \"Una carrera de autos de caja de jabón.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[4],\n },\n {\n text: \"Un concurso de fotografía.\",\n careers: multiChoiceOptions[5],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"pink vertical-cross chomp-out\",\n image: trophy,\n imageClass: \"bottom left\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 6 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué afirmación es más cierta para usted?\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n \"Me encanta ir de viaje y explorar nuevos lugares. Quiero viajar por el mundo.\",\n careers: getIds([0, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 29, 34, 35, 38]),\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Me encanta crear mi propio espacio único en casa, ya sea mi habitación, escritorio o casillero.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"white2 chomp parallax-out\",\n image: helix,\n imageClass: \"rise helix\",\n },\n },\n\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 7 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué tipo de proyecto escolar le gusta más?\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n \"Grupal: Me divierto trabajando en equipo. Me gusta cuando todos aportan sus propios talentos únicos.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 4,\n 5,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Individual: Puedo hacer las cosas a mi manera, y me siento orgullosa de crear algo por mi cuenta.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"light-blue2 parallax vertical-cross-out\",\n image: balloons,\n imageClass: \"rise long balloons\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 8 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt: \"¿Qué afirmación es más cierta para usted?\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text:\n \"Soy aventurera y me gusta hacer cosas. Me gusta aprender a través de experimentos y actividades prácticas.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 4,\n 6,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 24,\n 26,\n 27,\n 29,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text:\n \"Soy soñadora y pensativa. Soy buena para comprender metáforas e ideas abstractas.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"white2 vertical-cross chomp-out\",\n image: hex,\n imageClass: \"float\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 9 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt:\n \"Verdadero o falso: Es una líder natural. Le gusta tomar decisiones e inspirar a otros.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Verdadero.\",\n careers: getIds([2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 19, 26, 28, 30, 31, 37, 39]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Falso.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"orange chomp parallax-out\",\n image: spirals,\n imageClass: \"rise long spirals\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 10 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt:\n \"Verdadero o falso: Le gustan los hechos. Le gusta investigar, estudiar y trabajar con números.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Verdadero.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 5,\n 8,\n 9,\n 12,\n 13,\n 14,\n 15,\n 16,\n 18,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 22,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Falso.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"pink2 parallax vertical-cross-out\",\n image: blocks,\n imageClass: \"rise long blocks\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 11 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt:\n \"Verdadero o falso: Le gustan las nuevas ideas. Disfruta encontrando formas creativas de resolver problemas.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Verdadero.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 6,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 17,\n 18,\n 22,\n 23,\n 24,\n 28,\n 29,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Falso.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"light-blue vertical-cross chomp-out\",\n image: planes,\n imageClass: \"float spin\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 12 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt:\n \"Verdadero o falso: Es planificadora. Es organizada y ama las listas de verificación.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Verdadero.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 0,\n 1,\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 5,\n 6,\n 7,\n 8,\n 11,\n 13,\n 15,\n 16,\n 19,\n 20,\n 21,\n 22,\n 23,\n 25,\n 26,\n 27,\n 28,\n 30,\n 31,\n 32,\n 33,\n 34,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Falso.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"white3 chomp parallax-out\",\n image: notes,\n imageClass: \"float\",\n },\n },\n {\n /* spreadsheet Question 13 */\n type: \"multiChoice\",\n prompt:\n \"Verdadero o falso: Es espontánea. Enfrenta cada día lista para infinitas posibilidades.\",\n score: 1,\n options: [\n {\n text: \"Verdadero.\",\n careers: getIds([\n 2,\n 3,\n 4,\n 7,\n 8,\n 9,\n 10,\n 11,\n 12,\n 14,\n 17,\n 18,\n 19,\n 21,\n 24,\n 28,\n 29,\n 35,\n 36,\n 37,\n 38,\n 39,\n ]),\n },\n {\n text: \"Falso.\",\n careers: [],\n },\n ],\n visual: {\n color: \"pink2 parallax vertical-cross-out\",\n image: ring,\n imageClass: \"float\",\n },\n },\n];\n\nexport default questions;\n","import React from \"react\";\n\nconst copy = {\n home: {\n header: \"¿Cómo usará sus talentos únicos para hacer la diferencia?\",\n p1:\n \"Hay miles de trabajos increíbles en materia de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas, fabricación y diseño. Podría diseñar el siguiente panel solar o recurso de energía limpia, ayudar a sanar animales heridos o resolver ecuaciones aparentemente imposibles.\",\n p2:\n \"Responda este cuestionario y explore cómo una carrera CTIMFD puede ayudarlo a dar forma al futuro.\",\n cta: \"Comience el cuestionario\",\n },\n quiz: {\n rankingPrompt: (\n \n Elija sus dos principales prioridades.\n \n ),\n multiPrompt: Seleccione una respuesta.,\n counter1: \"pregunta\",\n counter2: \"de\",\n cta: \"Siguiente\",\n lastCta: \"Ver resultados\",\n },\n results: {\n loading: \"Calculando sus resultados\",\n header: \"Tenemos sus mejores coincidencias.\",\n subheader:\n \"Según sus respuestas únicas, ¡aquí le ofrecemos algunas posibilidades profesionales interesantes para que explore!\",\n readMore: \"Leer más\",\n hide: \"Ocultar\",\n shareText: \"Mi resultado es \",\n nextStepsHeader: \"¡Explore más desde casa!\",\n nextStepsBody: (\n

\n ¡Comience su recorrido hacia un futuro emocionante con estas divertidas\n actividades CTIMFD que utilizan materiales de toda la casa!\n

\n ),\n nextStepsCta: \"OBTENGA MÁS INFORMACIÓN\",\n tryAgainPrompt: \"¿Desea intentar de nuevo?\",\n tryAgainCta: \"VUELVA A REALIZAR EL CUESTIONARIO\",\n exploreMorePrompt: \"Explore más carreras\",\n exploreMoreCta: \"MOSTRAR MIS RESULTADOS PRINCIPALES\",\n exploreMoreCta2: \"MOSTRAR RESULTADOS TODOS\",\n },\n global: {\n footer: \"Desarrollado con el apoyo de Johnson & Johnson\",\n },\n};\n\nexport default copy;\n","import React, { useEffect } from \"react\";\n\nimport careersEnglish from \"../../config/careers.js\";\nimport questionsEnglish from \"../../config/questions.js\";\nimport copyEnglish from \"../../config/copy.js\";\n\nimport careersSpanish from \"../../config/careers_esp.js\";\nimport questionsSpanish from \"../../config/questions_esp.js\";\nimport copySpanish from \"../../config/copy_esp.js\";\n\nfunction LanguageSelect(p) {\n const changeLanguage = (lang) => {\n if (p.language === lang) return;\n switch (lang) {\n case \"english\":\n p.setLanguage(\"english\");\n p.setCopy(copyEnglish);\n p.setQuestions(questionsEnglish);\n p.setCareerResults(p.careersEng);\n break;\n default:\n // spanish\n p.setLanguage(\"spanish\");\n p.setCopy(copySpanish);\n p.setQuestions(questionsSpanish);\n p.setCareerResults(p.careersEsp);\n break;\n }\n };\n\n useEffect(() => {\n const query = window.location.search;\n if (query.includes(\"lang=esp\") && !p.usedQueryLang) {\n p.setUsedQueryLang(true);\n changeLanguage(\"spanish\");\n }\n });\n\n return (\n
\n {\n changeLanguage(\"english\");\n }}\n >\n ENGLISH\n \n {` | `}\n {\n changeLanguage(\"spanish\");\n }}\n >\n ESPAÑOL\n \n
\n );\n}\nexport default LanguageSelect;\n","import React, { useState, useEffect } from \"react\";\nimport {\n BrowserRouter as Router,\n Switch,\n Route,\n Redirect,\n Link,\n} from \"react-router-dom\";\n\nimport Home from \"./components/views/Home\";\nimport Quiz from \"./components/views/Quiz.js\";\nimport LoadingResults from \"./components/views/LoadingResults.js\";\nimport Results from \"./components/views/Results.js\";\n\nimport LanguageSelect from \"./components/elements/LanguageSelect.js\";\n\nimport careersEnglish from \"./config/careers.js\";\nimport questionsEnglish from \"./config/questions.js\";\nimport copyEnglish from \"./config/copy.js\";\nimport careersSpanish from \"./config/careers_esp\";\n\nimport \"./App.scss\";\n\nimport logo from \"./assets/fhi-360-logo.png\";\nimport stem_logo from \"./assets/logo.svg\";\nimport stem_logo_esp from \"./assets/logo_esp.svg\";\n\nif (!String.prototype.includes) {\n String.prototype.includes = function () {\n \"use strict\";\n return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) !== -1;\n };\n}\nif (!Array.prototype.findIndex) {\n Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, \"findIndex\", {\n value: function (predicate) {\n // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).\n if (this == null) {\n throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');\n }\n\n var o = Object(this);\n\n // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, \"length\")).\n var len = o.length >>> 0;\n\n // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.\n if (typeof predicate !== \"function\") {\n throw new TypeError(\"predicate must be a function\");\n }\n\n // 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.\n var thisArg = arguments[1];\n\n // 5. Let k be 0.\n var k = 0;\n\n // 6. Repeat, while k < len\n while (k < len) {\n // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).\n // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).\n // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).\n // d. If testResult is true, return k.\n var kValue = o[k];\n if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) {\n return k;\n }\n // e. Increase k by 1.\n k++;\n }\n\n // 7. Return -1.\n return -1;\n },\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n });\n}\n\nif (!Array.prototype.findIndex) {\n Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, \"findIndex\", {\n value: function (predicate) {\n // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).\n if (this == null) {\n throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');\n }\n\n var o = Object(this);\n\n // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, \"length\")).\n var len = o.length >>> 0;\n\n // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.\n if (typeof predicate !== \"function\") {\n throw new TypeError(\"predicate must be a function\");\n }\n\n // 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.\n var thisArg = arguments[1];\n\n // 5. Let k be 0.\n var k = 0;\n\n // 6. Repeat, while k < len\n while (k < len) {\n // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).\n // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).\n // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).\n // d. If testResult is true, return k.\n var kValue = o[k];\n if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) {\n return k;\n }\n // e. Increase k by 1.\n k++;\n }\n\n // 7. Return -1.\n return -1;\n },\n configurable: true,\n writable: true,\n });\n}\n\nfunction App() {\n const [careersEng, setCareersEng] = useState(careersEnglish);\n const [careersEsp, setCareersEsp] = useState(careersSpanish);\n\n console.log(careersEng);\n\n const [threshold, setThreshold] = useState(0);\n const [selections, setSelections] = useState([]);\n const [careersExpanded, setCareersExpanded] = useState([]);\n const [showAllResults, toggleAllResults] = useState(false);\n const [transitioning, setTransitioning] = useState(false);\n const [password, updatePassword] = useState(\"\");\n const [locked, setLocked] = useState(false);\n const [loggedSource, setLoggedSource] = useState(false);\n const [path, setPath] = useState(\"home\");\n const [careerResults, setCareerResults] = useState(careersEng);\n const [questions, setQuestions] = useState(questionsEnglish);\n const [copy, setCopy] = useState(copyEnglish);\n const [language, setLanguage] = useState(\"english\");\n const [usedQueryLang, setUsedQueryLang] = useState(false);\n \n useEffect(() => {\n const query = window.location.search;\n\n if (query.includes(\"twitter\") && loggedSource === false) {\n window.ga(function () {\n setLoggedSource(true);\n console.log(\"source is twitter\");\n window.ga(\"send\", \"event\", \"InboundLink\", \"viaTwitterShare\");\n });\n }\n\n if (query.includes(\"facebook\") && loggedSource === false) {\n window.ga(function () {\n setLoggedSource(true);\n console.log(\"source is facebook\");\n window.ga(\"send\", \"event\", \"InboundLink\", \"viaFacebookShare\");\n });\n }\n }, []);\n \n\n const getMaxScores = () => {\n const maxScores = {};\n questions.forEach((question, i) => {\n const careerIds = {};\n question.options.forEach((option, j) => {\n option.careers.forEach((career, k) => {\n careerIds[career] = careerIds[career] + 1 || 1;\n // console.log(\n // `found ${career} in question ${i} option ${j}, incremented count to ${careerIds[career]}`,\n // );\n });\n });\n const keys = Object.keys(careerIds);\n keys.forEach((key, j) => {\n if (question.type === \"ranking\") {\n maxScores[key] =\n careerIds[key] >= 2\n ? maxScores[key] + question.score * 1.5 || question.score * 1.5\n : maxScores[key] + question.score || question.score;\n } else\n maxScores[key] = maxScores[key] + question.score || question.score;\n });\n });\n // console.log(maxScores);\n\n return maxScores;\n };\n\n const scoreCareers = () => {\n // create an array of career objects cloned from career config\n // from each option of each question, tally a max score and add it as a property of the new career object\n // from user-selected option of each question (selections array), tally the actual score for each career\n // divide the actual by max score to get a percent match\n // sort the new careers array by the percent value\n // call setCareerResults with the new array as the argument\n // maybe use a timeout function to reroute to results page\n let maxScoresMap = getMaxScores();\n const scoredCareersEng = careersEng.map((career, i) => {\n return { ...career, score: 0, maxScore: maxScoresMap[career.id] };\n });\n const scoredCareersEsp = careersEsp.map((career, i) => {\n return { ...career, score: 0, maxScore: maxScoresMap[career.id] };\n });\n let highScore = 0;\n selections.map((selection, i) => {\n switch (typeof selection) {\n case \"object\":\n questions[i].options[selection[0]].careers.map((option) => {\n const careerMatch = scoredCareersEng.findIndex(\n (element) => element.id === option\n );\n scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score;\n scoredCareersEsp[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score;\n // console.log(`adding ${questions[i].score}pt for ${careerMatch}`);\n if (scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score > highScore) {\n highScore = scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score;\n }\n });\n questions[i].options[selection[1]].careers.map((option) => {\n const careerMatch = scoredCareersEng.findIndex(\n (element) => element.id === option\n );\n scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score / 2;\n scoredCareersEsp[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score / 2;\n\n // console.log(\n // `adding ${questions[i].score / 2}pt for ${careerMatch}`,\n // );\n if (scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score > highScore) {\n highScore = scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score;\n }\n });\n break;\n default:\n questions[i].options[selection].careers.map((option) => {\n const careerMatch = scoredCareersEng.findIndex(\n (element) => element.id === option\n );\n scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score;\n scoredCareersEsp[careerMatch].score += questions[i].score;\n if (scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score > highScore) {\n highScore = scoredCareersEng[careerMatch].score;\n }\n });\n break;\n }\n });\n const sortedCareersEng = scoredCareersEng.sort((a, b) => {\n if (b.score / b.maxScore - a.score / a.maxScore === 0)\n return a.id > b.id ? 1 : -1;\n else return b.score / b.maxScore - a.score / a.maxScore;\n });\n const sortedCareersEsp = scoredCareersEsp.sort((a, b) => {\n if (b.score / b.maxScore - a.score / a.maxScore === 0)\n return a.id > b.id ? 1 : -1;\n else return b.score / b.maxScore - a.score / a.maxScore;\n });\n\n setCareersEng(sortedCareersEng);\n setCareersEsp(sortedCareersEsp);\n setCareerResults(\n language === \"english\" ? sortedCareersEng : sortedCareersEsp\n );\n setThreshold(highScore);\n setCareersExpanded(\n careerResults.map(() => {\n return false;\n })\n );\n };\n \n \n \n\n const NoTransitionGroup = (\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n );\n\n return (\n
\n \n
\n {\n setSelections([]);\n }}\n >\n \n \n
\n {NoTransitionGroup}\n
\n\n \n
\n \"FHI360\n


\n );\n}\n\nexport default App;\n","// This optional code is used to register a service worker.\n// register() is not called by default.\n\n// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives\n// it offline capabilities. However, it also means that developers (and users)\n// will only see deployed updates on subsequent visits to a page, after all the\n// existing tabs open on the page have been closed, since previously cached\n// resources are updated in the background.\n\n// To learn more about the benefits of this model and instructions on how to\n// opt-in, read https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA\n\nconst isLocalhost = Boolean(\n window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||\n // [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.\n window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||\n // are considered localhost for IPv4.\n window.location.hostname.match(\n /^127(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/\n )\n);\n\nexport function register(config) {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n // The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.\n const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href);\n if (publicUrl.origin !== window.location.origin) {\n // Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin\n // from what our page is served on. This might happen if a CDN is used to\n // serve assets; see https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2374\n return;\n }\n\n window.addEventListener('load', () => {\n const swUrl = `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;\n\n if (isLocalhost) {\n // This is running on localhost. Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.\n checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);\n\n // Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the\n // service worker/PWA documentation.\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {\n console.log(\n 'This web app is being served cache-first by a service ' +\n 'worker. To learn more, visit https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA'\n );\n });\n } else {\n // Is not localhost. Just register service worker\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerValidSW(swUrl, config) {\n navigator.serviceWorker\n .register(swUrl)\n .then(registration => {\n registration.onupdatefound = () => {\n const installingWorker = registration.installing;\n if (installingWorker == null) {\n return;\n }\n installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {\n if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') {\n if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {\n // At this point, the updated precached content has been fetched,\n // but the previous service worker will still serve the older\n // content until all client tabs are closed.\n console.log(\n 'New content is available and will be used when all ' +\n 'tabs for this page are closed. See https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA.'\n );\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onUpdate) {\n config.onUpdate(registration);\n }\n } else {\n // At this point, everything has been precached.\n // It's the perfect time to display a\n // \"Content is cached for offline use.\" message.\n console.log('Content is cached for offline use.');\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onSuccess) {\n config.onSuccess(registration);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n };\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error);\n });\n}\n\nfunction checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config) {\n // Check if the service worker can be found. If it can't reload the page.\n fetch(swUrl, {\n headers: { 'Service-Worker': 'script' },\n })\n .then(response => {\n // Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.\n const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');\n if (\n response.status === 404 ||\n (contentType != null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1)\n ) {\n // No service worker found. Probably a different app. Reload the page.\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\n registration.unregister().then(() => {\n window.location.reload();\n });\n });\n } else {\n // Service worker found. Proceed as normal.\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n })\n .catch(() => {\n console.log(\n 'No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.'\n );\n });\n}\n\nexport function unregister() {\n if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready\n .then(registration => {\n registration.unregister();\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.error(error.message);\n });\n }\n}\n","import \"react-app-polyfill/ie11\";\nimport React from \"react\";\nimport ReactDOM from \"react-dom\";\nimport \"./index.css\";\nimport App from \"./App\";\nimport * as serviceWorker from \"./serviceWorker\";\n\nReactDOM.render(\n \n \n ,\n document.getElementById(\"root\")\n);\n\n// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change\n// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.\n// Learn more about service workers: https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA\nserviceWorker.unregister();\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/bubbles.9d4ba6a1.png\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/dye.84af118a.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/desk.9a534102.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/bars.2ee891de.png\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/carryon.a19c2cd3.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/trophy.1b03ab12.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/helix.daa25578.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/hex.bf5aa60a.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/spirals.8b91f0c9.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/blocks.2a3d9fb8.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/planes.e4cbf341.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/notes.569a9fec.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/balloons.54073495.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/ring_shadow_2.5d86322a.jpg\";","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"static/media/dna.741eb22a.jpg\";"],"sourceRoot":""}